Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I have always wondered whether there is the possibility of living without technology and these all technical stuff? It strikes me that the answer is not. It makes our lives so much easier and that's why we are addicted to it.
To begin with, all over the world in every minute somebody needs a professional help. If hospitals hadn't a competent medical equipment, a lot of people would die. Diseases, which was incurable in the past, nowadays are so simple to treat.
Secondly, Time is money. Using technical goods makes us save all of time, which our ancestors had to spent on various activities. Buying or paying online save close to 30% of your day. Currently, you don't have to go to a friend to call off an appoinment. A simple call phone only need to.
What is more, I pay attention to communication. For example the Internet can enable us to look for friends. It makes possible to meet new acquaintances, keep in touch with family.
I am fully aware that the population never resign technology, which have no equal. Me, as the individual of these community, I kind of like it and I can't deny the technical progress may bring a lot of another goods, which may make out lives easier, safer and maybe more optymistic. :)
If hospitals DIDN'T HAVE a competent medical equipment,
>a lot of people would die.
Diseases, which WERE
had to spenD

. Using technical goods makes us save all of
>time, which our ancestors had to spent on various activities.

Tu cos jest nie tak, nie umiem poprawic.


Using technical goods saves the time, which our ancestors had to spend on various activities.
Currently, you don't have to go to a friend to call off an appoinment. A simple call phone only need to.

Zamienilbym tu slowo currently, na nowadays or today.

you don't have to visit your friend to call off/cancel an appoinment. You only need to make a simple phone call. albo A simple phone call is only needed.

Internet enables us albo ew. may enable. Can mi tu nie pasuje, ale w tym przypadku licze sie z tym, ze moge sie mylic.

It makes IT possibble to meet...
and TO keep..

resignED FROM technology,

which HAS no equivalent - z tym ze tu jest nie tak, moze ktos madrzejszy naprawi.
I have always wondered whether it would be possible to live without technology. I believe that the answer is no. Technology makes our lives so much easier and that is why we are DEPENDENT (nie addicted) on it.

To begin with, all over the world someone needs professional help every minute. If hospitals did not have the necessary medical equipment (equipment nie może być competent), many people would die. Diseases, which were incurable in the past, are now treatable thanks to the advances in technology and medical research.

Secondly, time is money. (to jest tzw. cliché i raczej się tego nie używa w wypracowaniach).

Secondly, technology saves us a lot of time. (which our ancestors had to spent on various activities to można wyrzucić, bo to się ma nijak do tematu). Buying merchandise or making payments online saves us almost 30% of our day. Also, nowadays we do not have to go anywhere to call off an appointment; a simple phone call will be sufficient.

Furthermore, technology has improved our communication. For example, the Internet enables us to meet new people and keep in touch with friends and family.

All in all, I am fully aware that people will never give up technology (resign to kalka z poslkiego).

Me, as the individual of *these community (straszne to - wyrzuć to)
I kind of like it - język potoczny

I like technology and all the advantages it gives us and I cannot that technological progress can make our lives easier, safer, and maybe more optimistic.
Jupiiii, eva74 wlaczyla wszystkie moje poprawki, jestem dumny. A te zdania do wyrzucenia tez mi nie pasowaly nijak, ale nie chcialem zmieniac, czegos czego nie bylem pewien.

eva74, mozesz dokladniej opisac kiedy uzywamy resign? Chodzi mi o to ze wiem ze mozna resign z pracy jako odejscie,
ale np. nie mozna resign z wszystkich innych rzeczy z ktorych po polsku mozna zrezygnowac.
Mialem przypadek, przyszedlem do pracy z peknietym palcem u nogi, szef mnie wyslal do domu, ale stwierdzilem ze jestem w stanie pracowac, po godzinie jednak chcialem RESIGN i on byl pewien ze opuszczam firme i nie wiedzial czemu,
jak znajdziesz chwilke to objasnij, please.

nie można tak jak po polsku

można resign z pracy lub stanowiska

można też "resign oneself to something", ale w tej chwili nie wiem jak to jest ładnie po polsku - poddać się?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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