Melting ice sheets can cause earthquakes

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From several years scientists observe the growth of concentration of carbon dioxide. That is a very bad signal because it lead to increase a layer, which inhibit “escape “ heat from surface of the Earth. That consequently cause progressive global warming.This occurrence may already be triggering such earthquakes and may cause more in the future as ice continues to melt worldwide.
The scientists point out, that a series of large earthquakes shook Scandinavia around 10,000 years ago. They began in the south, where is now Sweden, about 12,000 years ago, then hit south-central Sweden around 10,500 years ago. Finally the earthquakes hit Lapland, in northern Scandinavia, about 9,000 years ago.
Researchers had suspected that the melting had triggered these earthquakes by releasing pressure that is in Earth's crust.
It seems these ancient earthquakes were massive, registering about magnitude 8. They were bigger than the quake that devastated Kashmir in 2005. Andrea Hampel of the Ruhr University Bochum in Germany say that he bigger and the bigger earthquakes were after the ice sheets melted.
"The frequency of earthquakes should increase in the future if the ice continues to melt," Hampel and colleagues write in their study.
"It's harder to see if there's an influence on large earthquakes, because they don't happen as often but melt induced earthquakes are not just a thing of the past and could be happening today.
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