As nowadays there is no problem with going abroad, lots of young
Poles ARE leaving 'our country' (ale ja nie wiem ktore to jest 'twoje' country, Spain? Italy?) More and more students try their luck in going abroad, because of financial reasons especially, but also 'as a result' (zle pojecie) of looking for highER level of education. According to the researcheRs, about 60 percent in age group from 15 to 29 would like to emigrate to another country. 'Emigrations' (dlaczego napisalas w l. mnogiej?) seemS to be a serious problem because it 'result' (ale 'it' to 3os.l.poj) in THE lack of fresh, well-educated and creative workers in Poland.
The problem is that even young people have jobS (bo people to wiecej jak jedna osoba) (daj tutaj abroad) far below their qualifications 'abroad', 'they are able to pay for themselves' (ale co to ma z tym ze to 'below their qualifications?). They can afford food, accommodation and still, they 'are be' (po jakiemu to? ARE able to find the money for going out. In Poland even if they have got A job that 'suits' (zle slowo - tutaj MATCHES) their education, they always have to worry about money. (ale z tego wyglada, ze tylko mlodzi ludzie o to sie martwia)
The solution 'is' LIES in 'polish' (dlaczego mala litera?) Government's and THE 'employer's' (czy masz na mysli jednego czy wiecej?) hands. They should upgrade wages, especially for THE young, scholarly Poles in order
SO THAT they 'can' COULD afford their expenses.
Poles also 'flees' (dlaczego dalas koncowke 3os.l.poj - przeciez Poles to l. mn) abroad because of looking for 'relevant' (a jaka to jest 'irrelevant college'?) colleges. The other enticing 'adequacy' (nie to slowo) is high stipendium, which is not so hard to 'get' (ale gdzie - nie napisalas). By contrast in Poland, stipendium is really difficult to 'reach' (GET jest dobre slowo) and it is not so 'acceptable' (ale acceptable to whom?). This problem should be solved by every college on their own. They ought to care about students, 'insure' (zle slowo) AN elevated level of teaching and try to get some money for stipendiums if not from 'our' (napisz ktory to Government jest- our mi nic nie mowi) Government, maybe from THE 'capitals' (a o ktore capitals chodzi?) of THE European Union. (a dlaczego myslisz, ze w innych krajach niema tego samego?)
The other reason, why Poles ARE leaving their motherland are THE many
intolerant people here. In most of foreign countries they do not have
to be scared to admit 'shameful' (od kiedy to jest shameful?- znajdz inne slowo) things like 'I do not go to church' or 'I actually do not think abortion is a crime'. On the contrary in Poland they have to be careful what 'are they' THEY ARE saying. (Nie wiedzialam ze ktos ich zkabluje i pojda do wiezienia). To 'dissolve' (zle slowo - tutaj RESOLVE) this problem they should not 'flees' (they-to oznacza l. mnoga, a 'flees to 3os.l.poj - co to z tym rozpoznawaniem l. poj a l. mnogiej - nie ucza tego juz w szkolach!) abroad, but try to convince the others about being more tolerant.
To sum up, there are many grounds why 'are young people' (zla kol slow - young...) leaving Poland.
(tu cos brakuje) Financial problems, 'so' (niepotr) they are not able to afford many 'thins' (ortog). They are 'foraging' (czy to naprawde masz na mysli?) the best colleges, because in their motherland it is really hard 'to be accepted' (to be accepted jako kto?).
'Less of tolerant people' (cos tu nie tak (The minority of...) is an issue as well.
They should try to 'upgrade' (nie za bardzo to slowo mi tu pasuje) wages for them and get more 'stipendiums' (nie wiem czy to wlasciwe slowo) too. To see more tolerance in our country we ought to aim in our own 'besetment' (co to za slowo - zmien) and change people's way of thinking. (A w jaki sposob to mozna zrobic?)