Króciutki tekst - proszę sprawdzić.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, czy moglby mi ktos sprawdzic ten krotki tekst i ewnetualnie powiedziec, jak zmienic zdanie, by bylo dobrze? Pozdrawiam i z gory bardzo dziekuje za pomoc.

I am writing regarding your advertisement in the June edition of ‘Young Work’. I would be grateful if you could send me some further information as I am interested in working at Vooroo Farm. First of all, your advertisement states that you are looking for fruit pickers for this summer. I would also like to know how many hours a day staff are required to work. I know, your job provides that fruit pickers should work 38 hours/week. Will I have to work weekends? Will I be picking fruit using machines or by hand? In addition to this, do you provide own rooms or sharing with somebody? I am very young and fit person, but I think I’ll (poradzę sobie). I have got applicable experience to take up a job on your farm because I was working on uncle’s farm during school holidays. Is it satisfactory experience for you? Finally, which months is the camp open during the summer? Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,
Kamila J.

Bardzo proszę o pomoc, pozdrawiam
Moglby ktokolwiek tak szybko do tego zerknac? I jak bedzie "Poradze sobie."? "I'll..." ?
I'll advise myself?

Czy jak to inaczej będzie brzmieć?? :(
I'll advise myself?
>Czy jak to inaczej będzie brzmieć?? :(
okay, ale...
poradze sobie ma tez inne znaczenia:
I'll manage (dam rade sama/dam sobie rade - czyli uda mi sie cos bez pomocy)
wielkie dzięki engee!! A reszta mniej wiecej moze byc?
oj oj czekaj z tym 'poradze sobie'! myslalem, ze to takie wyrwane wyrazenie, bez kontextu, a ty te wyrazenie masz w swoim texcie

I'll manage it bedzie najlepsze w tym przypadku
{Dear Sir,}

I am writing regarding your advertisement in the June edition of 'Young Work'. I would be grateful if you could send me some further information, as I am interested in working {on} Vooroo Farm. First of all, your advertisement states that you are looking for fruit pickers for this summer. I would also like to know how many hours a day {the} staff are required to work. {According to your advertisement, the} fruit pickers should work 38 hours {per} week. Will I have to work weekends? Will I be picking fruit using machines or by hand? {Another issue is whether} you provide {the pickers with their} own rooms, or {will I have to share the room with someone else}? I am {a} very young and fit person, {and} I think I {will manage it}. I have {relevant} experience to take up {the} job on your farm because I {worked} on {my} uncle's farm during school holidays. {Would} it {be a sufficient} experience {to} you? {The last question is}, which months is the camp open during the summer?
{Thank you for your help in advance. I look forward to your reply.}

Yours {faithfully},
Kamila J.
I'll manage it - ale co?
it's imprecise!
>I'll manage it - ale co?
>it's imprecise!

for goodness' sake, mex - I'll manage the job, lub po prostu odnoszac sie do tresci z kontextu; pamietaj 'I'll manage' ma rowniez mniej pozytywne konotacje (nie wysilaj sie, dam sobie rade sam)!
Wielkie dzieki engee30 za pomoc :) Bardzo mi pomogles
Mój promotor jest lepszy ode mnie :)
Ja to pikuś, ale uczę się od niego, także się przygotuj :)
Wydaje mi sie ze tak bedzie lepiej:

{Dear Sir,}

I am writing regarding your advertisement in the June edition of 'Young Work'. I would be grateful if you could send me some further information, as I am interested in working {on}THE Vooroo Farm. Your advertisement states that you are looking for fruit pickers for this summer. I would like to know how many hours a day {the} staff are required to work. {According to your advertisement, the} fruit pickers will work 38 hours {per} week. Will I have to work weekends? Will I be picking fruit using machines or by hand? {WHAT TYPE OF ACCOMMODATIONS WILL BE PROVIDED? Will pickers have to share a room or will they have their own rooms? My final question is (during what months does the farm operate?)which months is the camp??? (farm?) open during the summer?
I am {a} young and fit individual with the physical stamina to meet the job's requirements. I possess relevant farm-related experience as I {worked} on {my} uncle's farm during school holidays. I am an a honest person with a terrific attitude and great work ethic.
Thank you in advance for your consideration. I look forward to your reply.

Yours {faithfully},
Kamila J.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie