proszę o sprawdzenie rozprawki :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie mojej rozprawki. Za wszelką pomoc dziękuję:)

TEMAT: Powszechnie uważa się, że współczesny człowiek nie mógłby poradzić sobie bez urządzeń elektrycznych.

It is said that contemporary people would not be able to live without electric devices. There are more and more machines which do the work for us. It is convinient and we slowly get used to it.
There is no denying that people would have some problems, if they had to live without electric devices. First of all, they help us in different situations and make our life easier. For example, cooker or microvawe facilitate preparing food. It is easier and faster than in the past. What is more, thanks to the fridge food is fresh and does not go off so quickly. Furthermore, we use different machines at work and school. People have better conditions to work and study. Moreover, entertainment is connected with devices like TV, radio, computer, etc. Thanks to them we can relax and have fun.
However, there are some devices which are not necessary at all. Many domestic duties can be done without using any machine. For example, we do not have to use dishwashers. It is convinient but we can do it ourselves. Apart from that, some electric devices are thought to be good sources of entertainment but there are many better ways of spending time like strolls or meetings with friends.
Summing up, in the past people managed without modern devices and it was not such a big problem but nowadays it would be hard to live without them. They are very useful and make our life easier. However, some of them are not very necessary and we should remember that.
It is said that contemporary people would not be able to live
without electricAL devices.
It is 'convinient' (ortog) and we slowly get used to it.
There is no denying that people would have some problems, if they
had to live without electricAL devices.
For example, cooker or microvawe facilitate THE preparATION OF food.
What is more, thanks to the REFRIGERATOR food is fresh and does
not go off so quickly. Furthermore, we use different machines at work
and AT school. People have better 'conditions' FACILITIES to work and study. Moreover, entertainment is connected with devices like TV, radio, computer, 'etc' (ale co to jest to 'etc' jak na nim moge grac?).
It is 'convinient'(ortog) but we can do 'it' (ale co to jest to 'it') ourselves. Apart from that, some electricAL devices are thought to be good sources of entertainment but there are many better ways of spending time like strolING or meetinG 'with' (niepotr) friends.
Dzięki wielkie;)
a może jeszcze ktoś ma jakieś sugestie?


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