Proszę o sprawdzenie e-mail'a (5-6 zdań)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę Was o sprawdzenie poniższego maila i ewentualne korekty.

Hi Magda!
It's Saturday evening and I'm writing to you and listening to music. Thomas is already sleeping and my older brother is watching TV. My parents are eating supper and my grandmother is talking with my aunt by telephone.
I'm going to presently do my homework(>>zamierzam zrobić za chwilę moją pracę domową). I have got really much tasks (>> mam na prawdę dużo zadane).
See you on Monday. Bye. Asia.

Jeszcze raz bardzo proszę o korektę. Jeżeli ktoś chciąłby jeszcze do tego coś do tać to nie mam nic przeciwko.
Z góry bardzo, bardzo dziękuję!!! :)
Hi Magda!
It's Saturday evening and I'm writing to you and listening to music. Thomas is already sleeping and my older brother is watching TV. My parents are eating supper and my grandmother is talking with my aunt ON THE telephone.
I'm going to do (start?) my homework SHORTLY.
Hi Magda!

It's Saturday evening >when< I am writing to you and listening to THE music as well.
Thomas is already sleeping like a log and my older brother is watching a TV.
My parents are eating A supper and my grandmother is being on a call with my aunt.
I have to do my homework tonight because I have really a lot of tasks.

See you on Monday. Asia.
przed 'TV' wydaje mi się, że nie trzeba wstwiać 'a'
>Hi Magda!
>It's Saturday evening >when< I am writing to you and listening
>to THE [yeah, you're right on this one - she must know what music you're listening to. Like hell she does!] music as well.
>Thomas is already sleeping like a log and my older brother is watching
>a [oh this one is even better - he's going to buy a TV set, so he's watching, or rather looking at it now!] TV.
>My parents are eating A supper [a supper? what is that - supper (no article) you mean?] and my grandmother is being [eh? is she behaving like a call girl, or maybe a call aunt] on a call
>with my aunt.
>I have to do my homework tonight because I have really a lot of
>See you on Monday. Asia.

nice job, Adriatics :P
Thx ;p
haha .. grandma is waiting for a little roll in the hay with her aunt :):), boink boink -night baseball-hootchie-hootchie is in the offing :) just kidding , with all due respect to big mama ,for me siunia's version is perfectly cool,btw:)
haha ;]
I suggest you ignore the posts below mine.
one doesn't watch A tv
people don't eat A supper

Goodluck figuring out who can actually compose a sentence in English. :)
one can obviously listen to (no article) music
Dziękuję wszystkim za zainteresowanie moim tematem i pomoc.
Prosiłabym jeszcze tylko, by ktoś pomógł mi przetłumaczyć te wasze porady z nawiasów. Ja sama nie jestem w stanie tego zrobić >> uczę się angielskiego zaledwie od 3 tygodni :/ Z góry dziękuję :)
ja tam nie jestem "expertem", od tego sa inni tutaj, ale jak od naprawde od trzech tygodni sie uczysz to nie jest tak żle( jak na trzy tygodnie) :) good luch to you :)
good luck :)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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