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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o to aby sprawdzić czy są jakieś błędy, ponieważ nie jestem dobry z angielskiego. Z góry dzięki za pomoc.

Dear Tom
How are you? I want to tell you about my last weekend.
On Saturday I was in London on exhibition where I saw the house of future.
This house be calls HOTF and is the most modern house on world.
From the outside it looks like usual detached house but this house is
full of surprises. The HOTF has a supercomputer which controls whole houses
and contributes to make inmates life more comfortable and safe.The computer
knows what is in your fridge and can make a shopping for you. The computer off of dvice which do not be used. This house is different than normal house HOTF is more thrfty, thanks this the costs of maintenance of house are smaller. What's HOTF is resitant on fire and strong winds, by what is very
safe for family. I'm fascinated this building because It's amazing and showing future.
Call or drop my a line . Hope all is well with you.
a zapomniałem dodac że HOTF oznacza "House of the Future"
On Saturday I was in London 'on' AT AN exhibition where I saw the house of
THE future.
This house 'be calls' IS CALLED THE HOTF and is the most modern house 'on' IN THE world. (prosze zauwazyc ze polskie 'na' nie jest zawsze odpowiednikiem ang. 'on')'
From the outside it looks like A usual detached house but this house
is full of surprises. The HOTF has a supercomputer which controls THE whole
'houses' HOUSE and contributes to make 'inmates' (nie, inmates to tylko w prison- tutaj 'inhabitants') life more comfortable and safe. The computer
knows what is in your fridge and can 'make' DO 'a' THE shopping for you.
...The computer off of dvice which do not be used....(cos tu nie tak).
This house is different than A normal house. THE HOTF is more thrIfty, thanks TO this the costs of maintenance of THE house are smaller. What's MORE THE HOTF is resitant 'on' TO fire and strong winds, 'by what' WHICH is very
safe for THE family. I'm fascinated BY this building because it's amazing and
'showing' SHOWS THE future.
Call or drop 'my' ME a line.
Dzięki za pomoc.


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