Prosze o sprawdzenie zdań

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

1)He told his girlfriend that she looked great.
He said to his girlfriend that she looked great.

2)My parents said to me they could come to our party.
My parents told me, they were going to be late.

3)Lynn said to us that she didn`t like dogs.
Lynn told to us that she didn`t like dogs.

4)I told my brother I didn`t want to go out.
I said to my brother I didn`t want to go out.

5)You said to Jummy and me you wanted to see us.
I told Jimmy and you wanted to see us.

1)'I did not rob the bank last month' he said.
He said that he hadn`t rob the bank previous month.

2)'I was on holiday in Brazil until yesterday' he told the policewoman.
He told to the policewoman that he had been on holiday in Brazil until previouss the before day.

3)'You`ll have to stay in jail tonight', she told him.
She told him to stay in jail that tonight.

4)'I want to speak to my lawery', he told her.
He told her that he wanted ro speak with his lawery.

5)'You can see your jawyer tomorrow', she said.
She said that he could see him lawyer following day.

6)'I1m not staying in jail without my wife', he said/
He said he wasn`t stay in jail without his wife.

1)I cam sell you the Eiffel Tower.
2)The city can`t to pay for the repais.
3)I show you Eiffel Tower tomorrow.
4)I won`t tell anyone about at the deal.
5)I won`t to pay for the fever tonight.
I won`t live on my tiny salary.

Z góry dziękuję :)
Może jednak ktoś rzuci na to okiem, bardzo mi na tym zależy.
up, proszę :)
mi sie wydaje, ze w tych pierwszych pieciu powinnas byla zamienic zdania z 'reported speech' na zdania w 'indirect speech' (przytaczanie czyichs wypowiedzi)
Engee, jezeli przytaczamy czyjes wypowiedzi, to jest to reported speech, ktore dzieli sie na direct reported speech (cudzyslowy) i indirect reported speech (zmiana podmiotu, nastepstwo czasow. te rzeczy)
>Engee, jezeli przytaczamy czyjes wypowiedzi, to jest to reported
>speech, ktore dzieli sie na direct reported speech (cudzyslowy) i
>indirect reported speech (zmiana podmiotu, nastepstwo czasow. te

teraz juz wiem na pewno, skad w naszych dyskusjach na ogol nie mamy tego samego zdania - twoja wiedza pochodzi ze zrodel innych niz moje
w moim przypadku 'reported speech' jest synonimem 'indirect speech'; 'direct speech' nie ma takiego synonimu, lub go jeszcze nie znam
>w moim przypadku 'reported speech' jest synonimem 'indirect speech'

Potocznie tak można powiedzieć
ale dlaczego w takim razie napisales, ze pytaczka powinna byla zmienic reported speech na indirect speech, skoro to sa synonimy?
>ale dlaczego w takim razie napisales, ze pytaczka powinna byla zmienic
>reported speech na indirect speech, skoro to sa synonimy?

bo dzisiaj jest Niedziela, a w taki dzien to ja sie nie przykladam do niczego :P
>1)He told his girlfriend that she looked great.
> 'You look great,' he said.
>2)My parents said to me they could come to our party.
> 'We can come to your party,' my parents told me.
>3)Lynn said to us that she didn`t like dogs.
> 'I don't like dogs,' said Lynn.
>4)I told my brother I didn`t want to go out.
> 'I don't want to go out,' I said.
>5)You said to Jummy and me you wanted to see us.
> 'I want to see you,' I said to Jimmy and you.
>1)'I did not rob the bank last month' he said.
> He said that he hadn`t {robbed} the bank {the} previous month.
>2)'I was on holiday in Brazil until yesterday' he told the
> He told {} the policewoman that he had been on holiday in Brazil
>until {the} previouss {} day.
>3)'You`ll have to stay in jail tonight', she told him.
> She told him {that he would have to stay} in jail that {night}.
>4)'I want to speak to my lawery', he told her.
> He told her that he wanted {to} speak {to} his {lawyer}.
>5)'You can see your jawyer tomorrow', she said.
> She said that he could see {his} lawyer {the} following day.
>6)'I1m not staying in jail without my wife', he said/
> He said he wasn`t {staying} in jail without his wife.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.