Bardzo zależy mi, żeby ktoś spojrzał fachowym okiem na mój proposal i w miarę możliwości zwrócił uwagę na występujące w nim błędy. Temat to zapobieganie biedzie na świecie. Z góry bardzo dziękuję!
To: R. Brown, a publisher of the international magazine ''Your choice”
Subject: reducing poverty
Date: May 8th 2009
Reduce poverty -get a better world!
As requested, this is a proposal concerning the matter of reducing poverty.Its aim is to outline some possible ways of decreasing poverty and diminisging the growing gap between the rich and the poor.
Why is it crucial to reduce poverty?
The answer is simple-it is necessary to maintain a long-lasting and relatively high standard of living.Everybody is eligible for dignified existence after all.
What can we do about the worrying situation of those who can not even make ends meet?
It would be advisable for countreis to obviate the problem by destroying the source, not the external side of poverty. I reccomend that the best course of action would be to introduce universal education,
improve maternal and paternal health and combat diseases such as AIDS, malaria and veneral diseases.
What is more, distribution of wealth is necessary. We should try to limit monopoly and encourage international competiotion. It is out of the question that a particular group of people live in the lap of luxury while others starve to death.
Who should take the responsibility for the changes?
Success of the undertaking depends mainly on the government and institutions. Without their involvement and foundation reducing poverty is almost impossible.However, commitment of the individuals is also crucial.
To sum up,reducing poverty is a thorny issue. Changing the image of the world is extremely difficult, but not impossible . Everything depends on our concerted effort and commitment to the question of poverty. We should try to contribute. It is our moral duty!