opis obrazka

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
witam..prosze o sprawdzenie opisu obrazka.
In the picture I can see four people: three people are rescuers and one casually. The rescuers are rescue casualty. Probably was accident. In the background there is an ambulance. They are on the road. It's a dark. Ambulance team will takes the casualty to a surgery in a hospital. This picture inspires the viewer to think about help to people.
In the picture I can see four people: three people are rescuers and
one IS THE 'casually' (ale czsually CO? casually to nie rzeczownik, prosze napisac tutaj rzeczownika).
The rescuers are 'rescue' (tutaj ma byc czasownik? nie rozumiem twojego toku myslenia) THE casualty.
...Probably was accident.....(prosze to napisac jako cale zdanie, a nie tak na skruty.
It's a 'dark' (dlatego ze dales 'a' to robi to dark ale CO? dark tutaj dla mnie jest przymiotnikiem, a gdzie rzeczownik?).
Ambulance team will 'takes' TAKE the casualty to 'a surgery' (a surgery to jest przychodnia lekarska, tutaj masz na mysli SURGERY bez 'a') in a
This picture inspires the viewer to think about 'help' HELPING 'to' (po co to 'to' tutaj jest? Dla ozdoby? tutaj ma byc OTHER people.
Czy ty rozpoznajesz czesci zdania: czasownik, rzeczownik, przymiotnik - bo cos b. watpie w to.
one is the casualty- to chodziło mi o ofiare wypadku
The recuers are rescuing the casualty. Probably it was a crash. It's dark.- jest ciemno
surgery-to chodzilo o chirurgie.