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I would like to tell you about people who live in jungle. The most primitive and dangerous are Indianans which call Yanomami. They live in big groups about 120 person. They have one house. Theirs house have only roof. The roof is build of leaf from palms tree. They don't have windows and walls. Everyone can now everything about their neighbour. Only tree things take place in hiding. First is sexual with husband, second sexual with someone from tribe and thirdly physiotherapist act. Day in jungle start very early. Women wake up and make breakfast with green bananas. When the sun shine men go to jungle and hunt. Women go for wood. Every day they must go far. Sometimes women must chop the wood. Yanomami doesn't have metal tools. They make tools from animal bones. Yanomami soul is very delicate. After death one part of soul go to the beyond, the second stay in jungle. The most important part of soul is moamo and she take place in liver. Demons hunt for this part. This Indianans are warriors. They kill everyone who will break his principle. Memory of dead warrior never fallow down.. His body are burn at the stake . After most of bones are mince. Part of remains is mix with bananas. Indians eat it during the
funeral meal. Rest of remains are hide and eating in next year. If someone want to be shaman must take training. Candidate must have fast and can't have sex for one year. In this time he learn about demon. Shaman have to know have to talking with demon. He must place demon in his body near the hart. When they will be obedient to his will. Shaman tell to demon to be dangerous for nearby village. Yanomami doesn't have god lord
I would like to tell you about people who live in THE jungle. The most
primitive and dangerous are THE 'Indianans' (ortog) which call THEMSEL:VES Yanomami. They live in big groups OF about 120 'person' PEOPLE.
'Theirs' THEIR house 'have' HAS (house-it-3os.l.poj) only roof. The roof is build 'of' FROM 'leaf' (l. mnoga LEAVES) from 'palms tree' PALM TREES. Everyone can 'now' KNOW everything about their neighbour.
Only 'tree' THREE things take place in hiding. First is 'sexual' SEX with husband, second 'sexual' SEX with someone from THE tribe and thirdly A physiotherapist act.
A day in THE jungle startS very early.
When the sun shineS men go to jungle and hunt.
Yanomami 'doesn't' DON'T have ANy metal tools.
After death one part of THE soul goES to the beyond, the second stayS in jungle. The most important part of THE soul is moamo and she 'takeS place' LIVES in THE liver.
'This' THESE 'Indianans' (ortog) are warriors. They kill everyone who will break 'his' THEIR principleS. Memory of THE dead warrior never 'fallow down' (cos tu nie tak). His body 'are' IS burnED at the stake . After most of THE bones are minceD. Part of THE remains is mixED with bananas.
Rest of THE remains are hideN and eatEN 'in' (niepotr) next year. If
someone wantS to be A shaman THEY must 'take' BE trainED. A candidate must have A fast and can't have sex for one year. 'In' DURING this time he learnS about THE demon.
Shaman 'have' HAS to know 'have' HOW to talK with THE demon. He must place THE demon in his body near the 'hart' HEART. 'When' THEN they will be obedient to his will. Shaman tellS THE 'to' (niepotr) demon to be dangerous 'for' TO THE nearby villageS. Yanomami 'doesn't' DON'T have A 'god lord' LORD GOD.
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