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Po raz kolejny proszę Was o pomoc. Tym razem do sprawdzenia jest recenzja. Dla Was to chwilka, a mi może bardzo pomóc.

"Slumdog Millionaire" is a film directed by Danny Boyle. It's melodrama.
The mowie tells about an eighteen-years-old from the slums of Mumbai finds himself competing on the game show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire," where the questions he must answer offer a look back at his earlier life. The show's host, however, insists that he must be cheating and takes steps to force young Jamal to admit that a boy from such an impoverished background could not possibly possess the knowledge necessary to win the show's top prize.
Fairy story based banal idea from popular TV quiz show /wsparta/ humorem and accourate analysis oraz moderning India made exellent film. This film /wyraża nadzieję/ semiliterate person might become Hero and true love win everything. “Slumdog…” was worthy 8 Oscars. Furthemore miraculous music, especially “Jai Ho”, to create /nastrój, dla którego warto obejrzeć ten film/.
I would really recommend this film for everyone, because it’ s optimistic tale.

to udało mi się sklecić ;P. Prosze o sprawdzenie i poprawienie. Z góry bardzo serdecznie dziękuję :)
up up
proszę o pomoc :)
It's A melodrama.
The 'mowie' (ortog) tells THE STORY about an 'eighteen-years-old' (mozemy pisac 18-year-old) from the slums of Mumbai WHO finds himself competing on the game show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire," where the questions he must answer offer a look back at his earlier life.
THE fairy story IS based ON A banal idea from A popular TV quiz show /wsparta-supp[orted by/ humorem-humour and accourate analysis 'oraz' (together with) 'moderning' (zla czesc zdania - tutaj MODERN) India made AN 'exellent' (ortog) film. This film /wyraża nadzieję- gives hope/ THAT A semiliterate person might become A hero and THAT true love winS everything. “Slumdog..." was worthy OF 8 Oscars. Furthemore miraculous music, especially “Jai Ho", 'to' CREATES nastrój-an atmosphere, 'dla którego warto obejrzeć ten film' (which makes it worthwhile to see this film).
I would really recommend this film for everyone, because it's AN optimistic tale.
Dziękuję bardzo :)
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