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Temat to modren-day hero. Dostałem limit - 150 słów - więc wielkiego dzieła to raczej się nie napisze ale bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie tego co mam:

Nowadays we do not have any person who could be called a hero by the whole humanity or at least by one single nation and I don’t think we have ever had. But I believe that for many Americans their new president may be some kind of a hero or perhaps someone who has a great potential to become their hero one day. Omitting the fact that Obama is the first black president in their whole long history, what already makes him a walking symbol of getting through the chapter of intolerance and discrimination, Americans are setting great store by him. Many people wants Obama not only to initiate new reforms but also put enormous hope in him expecting that he will solve global economic crisis and finish military conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan. Who else would be able to fulfill those high expectations if not a true hero?
But I believe that for many Americans their new President may be some kind of a hero or perhaps someone who has a great potential to become their hero one day. Omitting the fact that Obama is the first black president in their 'whole' (niepotr) long history, 'what' (to jest kalka z polskiego 'co', 'what' nie jest zawsze odpowiednikiem pol. slowa 'co' tutaj WHICH) already makes him a walking symbol of 'getting through the chapter'(cos nie tak) of intolerance and discrimination,
Many people 'wants' (to czas.3os.l.pol- a people to l. mn WANT) Obama not only to initiate new reforms but also put enormous hope in him expecting that he will solve THE global economic crisis and finish THE military conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan. Who else would be able to fulfill 'those' THESE high expectations if not a true hero?

(mozesz tez napisac, ze President JF Kennedy tez byl kiedys uznawany za 'hero')
>Omitting the fact that ...

Po angielsku raczej się nie używa tego wyrażenia w znaczeniu "pomijając ...".

Not only masz w złym miejscu w zdaniu.
Mam trzy pytania do tego.
1. A ma ktoś pomysł jak poprawić fragment "...symbol of getting through the chapter of intolerance..." chodziło mi o to, że dokonując takiego wyboru amerykanie udowodnili, że zamkneli za sobą pewien rozdział.
2. Zamiast "omitting the fact that" może być "to say nothing of the fact that", czy jast jakiekolwiek lepsze okreslenie?
3. Gdzie powinno być to "not only".


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