Wiem, że są to proste zdania, jednak proszę Was, o ich sprawdzenie :)
Miejsca wykropkowane - nie wiem, jaki wstawić wyraz.
1.She's a bit quiet. That's why she didn't talk to many people at the party.
2.It's ..... (?) to talk with your mouth full.
3.Sally isn't very confident. She prefers to listen to other people.
4.Mark is very pessimistic. He always thinks things will get worse!
5.All the students were very kind towards me on my first day at my new school.
6.She is too lazy to help me with the housework.
7.Harry's very funny. He's always telling jokes.
8.After waiting over half an hour for the bus, Ben began to get impatient.
9.It was very polite of you to pay for my coffee.
10.Pete's very fit. He goes running every evening.
11.In my countries it's ..... (?) to start eating before others are ready.
12.His bedroom is always tidy - he never puts anything away.
13.We should be tolerant of people who have different religions and beliefs from us.
14.She's very dishonest. She wouldn't lie to you.
15.John was in a terrible car accident last week. He's .... (?) to be alive.
16.It was .... (?) of your friend to say bad things about you when you weren't there.
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