Sprawdzenie tekstu.. "Describe your office"

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My office is a separate room in my house, situated on the ground floor, behind white massive doors next to the main entrance. It’s not really big, it has only 16 square meter of surface, but instead that, I feel very cosy there. All of the walls are painted in green with some of my favourite paintings hanged on. The floor is wooden and shiny, without any carpet. The main place there and piece of furniture at the same time, is of course my desk, that stands in front of the only window in the room. It’s a typical desk made from wood, with a workspace and a few drawers to store office supplies like some folders, pens, highlighters, envelopes, paper clips, etc. The only thing that stands at the top is my modern design and very efficient laptop, the rest of the stuff is hidden. My desk is usually tidy and organised, but when I have to work hard it become really messy. Chair that stands behind the desk is very comfortable, it’s made from brown, thick leather. It’s also swivel, so without any problem You can turn around and look out the window when You want to relax for a while. My printer cupboard stands under the desk, it has also got some drawers where I can store some copy paper. The door side wall of the room is all covered by bookshelves. I keep there all of my books, these that are helpful when I’m working and these that I read in a free time. Except of books, You can find there my three little violet plants, but I forget their name. Next to those shelves stands my big and comfortable sofa, also made from leather. In my opinion very necessary piece of furniture in the office that brings a little of home atmosphere. Last but also very important object in my office is the filling cabinet that I’ve bought last year. It’s all metal, fireproof and it has got a good certificated lock. It is very heavy and only I’ve got the key that opens it. The documents that I keep there have to be really safe, because they included a lot of personal and private data about my clients and my business.
I love my office and I’m sure that I wouldn’t change it for any other. In my opinion You should feel good and calm in the place that You work, because only in that conditions You do Your job well.


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