Bardzo proszÄ™ o pomoc...

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Cześć, mam gorącą prośbę - ponieważ mój angielski nie należy do najlepszych, czy ktoś mógłby sprawdzić moją radosną twórczość? :) Muszę napisać reklamację. Baardzo mi to potrzebne :) z góry wielkie dzięki za pomoc :) A oto to, co udało mi sie zrobić:

Dear sir,
I am writing to complain about Centre 2K which I visited yesterday evening. This was only my second visit. I became a member two weeks having seen your publicity leafleat which was impressive.
First of all I went for a classes for advanced swimmers that should started at 6 o'clock, however it started twenty minutes later twice. Next, I had some questions to instructor, who you recommended as a very experienced. Although he was very friendly, he could not find an answer.
Finaly, on your leaflet you informed about life-saving options which is include in slasses. Unfortunately, it was not available becouse the group of twenty noisy school children was there last week, so we could not have the pool to ourselves, just like jou secured us.
I am extremely disappointed. Unless I receive a full explanation in writing from you within seven days I will cancel my membership and request my membership dues return.
Yours faithfully

Przepraszam za "porwanie" wypowiedzi na kilka mniejszych :/


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