To sprawdzenie jest dla mnie bardzo wazne.

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Tekst jest dlugi, wiec bede bardzo bardzo wdzieczny za sprawdzenie chociaz jednego akapitu. Nie jest to angielski w formie ESOL, to ze jestem Polakiem nie zwalnia mnie ze stylowego jezyka i bezblednosci gramatycznej. Jest to moj pierwszy essay na Uniwersytecie w UK (podczas summer school).

Temat: Investigate and discuss the concerns about written assignments of at least three other Summer School for Access students.

Written assignments make many students stressed and confused. There are plenty of reasons why students are sometimes really afraid of them. Investigating this problem by speaking to the Summer School students at University of Aberdeen I have found few factors which cause it.

Some students have never written essays before or if they have, they were rather short. Because of that these students have no idea how to write a proper essay and what they should include. They try their best, but they so often get lost and the structure of essay falls down.

Other students feel to be good in writing, but they never know how to start and how to conclude their work. They spend many hours to create introduction and the results are not satisfactory. Therefore this group of people is not marked well, although the main part of their work is done very well.

Understanding the task and following the topic is the common problem for students. The Summer School students agree with each other that it has happened many times that they did not read carefully the instructions and they were not marked for the assignment. Therefore they are worry it may happen again and they suggest lecturers to write the topic and instructions clearly and easily to understand.

International student are stressed because they study in language, which is not their mother tongue. Even though they speak English properly, it is very common that they do not understand a few words, what make them stressed and they cannot start writing. Moreover, foreign students do not know if their grammar and vocabulary used in essays matters. What is the point of good work? How would they be marked if their essays were wonderful but written in English not perfectly?

The Summer School students have many concerns of written assignments. However, they feel to be prepared enough and most of them are ready to accept the challenge and show their motivation to study at the University.

Obawiam sie czy dobrze wykonalem polecenie "discuss".

Z gory bardzo bardzo bardzo
dziekuje za sprawdzenie chociaz jednego zdania albo wskazanie chociaz jednego bledu!
Written assignments make many students (wstaw tu slowo "czuc") stressed and confused (moze lepiej anxious). There are plenty of reasons why students are sometimes really afraid of them (nie podoba mi sie slowo "afraid"). Investigating this problem by speaking to Summer School students at THE University of Aberdeen I have found A NUMBER OF factors which cause it (jest tu problem z kolejnoscia slow...Zacznij zdanie z "I have found....

Some students have never written essays before or if they have, they were rather short. Because of that these students have no idea how to write a proper essay and what should BE includeD. They try their best, but they often get lost and the structure of essay (falls down....nie podoba mi sie)

Other students MAY feel THEY ARE GOOD WRITERS
Dziekuje za bardzo dobre uwagi. Co powiesz na zmiany:

they often get lost so that the structure of essay becomes unintelligible

Written assignments make many students (wstaw tu slowo "czuc")
>stressed and confused (moze lepiej anxious).

Hmmm... nie bardzo wiem jak poprawnie to zrobic.:

make many students feeling stressed and anxious?

>> Jeszcze jak ktos sprawdzi kolejne 2 paragrafy bede spokojny.
Na co zmienic afraid ?
>they often get lost so that the structure of essay becomes

disjointed, jumbled, incoherent, lacks cohesiveness

>make many students feeling stressed and anxious?

dobry czasownik, zly czas.
students XXXX stressed
I XXXXX stressed

afraid = moze nervous, uncomfortable, apprehensive, distressed
they often get lost so that the structure of THE essay
Understanding the task and following the topic is the (daj tutaj 'most') common problem for students. The Summer School students agree with each other that it has happened many times (cos tutaj mi nie jest tak... AND 'that' (niepotr) they did not read 'carefully the instructions' zla kol slow... the instructions carefully) and they were 'not marked for the assignment' (tego nie rozumiem). Therefore they are 'worry' WORRIED THAT it may happen again and they suggest THAT THE lecturers 'to' (niepotr) write the topic and instructions clearly and easily IN ORDER FOR THEM to understand.

International studentS are stressed because they ARE studyING in A language(,) (niepotr) which is not their mother tongue. Even though they speak English 'properly' (wyrzuc to slowo - co to niby ma znaczyc?????), it is very common that they do not understand a few words, 'what' (kalka z jez polskiego WHICH) makeS them stressed and they cannot start writing. Moreover, foreign students do not know if their grammar and vocabulary 'used in essays matters' (zmien to troche, mysle, ze 'grammar matters' - bo bez tego, to zdania sa incomprehensible)). What is the point of good work? How would they be marked if their essays were wonderful (prosze rozszerzyc co masz na mysli jako 'wonderful') but written 'in English not perfectly' (robisz kalki bazujac tlumaczenia na konstrukcji jez. polskiego', prosze nie uzywac slow 'properly' perfectly, w tym zdaniu one NIC nie znacza, to ma byc 'linguistic' assignment - prosze uzywac odpowiednich slow)...IN ungrammatical English.

The Summer School students have many concerns 'of' 9cos nie lubie tego 'of' tutaj - moze lepiej 'regarding') THE written assignments. However, they feel 'to be prepared enough' (zla kol slow - co ty robisz? ..feel to be sufficiently prepared) and most of them are ready to accept the challenge and show their motivation to study at the University.
>>>>>Temat: Investigate and discuss the concerns about written assignments of at least three other Summer School for Access students.
...wg mnie nie odpowiedziales na pytanie...tutaj mowa o 3 Summer schools, ale ja nie widzialam nic o tym....
Kurde, kiedy ja poczuje ten angielski... nie mam zadnych problemow z komunikacja, nie uzywam slownika piszac eseje, a ciagle tyle i tyle bledow...
Dzieki Wam.

A co do tematu - mialem przeprowadzic rozmowe z 3 studentami Summer School, co zrobilem. Bez opisywania konkretnie co ktory powiedzial, stworzyc historyjke na podstawie ich wypowiedzi.
Doktor zaleca większą uważność i przemyśliwanie każdego zdania pod kątem gramatycznym tudzież zaglądanie do książki z gramtyką. Słownictwo też radzę poszerzać, dobry słownik kolokacji i synonimów powinien pomóc.
Sth make me feel stressed ?

Tak ma byc? Nie znalem takiej ekpresji.
Exams make me anxious
Exams make me feel anxious
Exams stress me out
exams make me feel stressed

I am stressed and anxious
I feel stressed and anxious
Final version:

Written assignments make many students feel stressed and anxious. There are plenty of reasons why students are sometimes really worry about them. I have found a number of factors which cause it, investigating the problem by speaking to Summer School students at The University of Aberdeen.

Some students have never written essays before or if they have, they were rather short. Because of that these students have no idea how to write an accurate essay and what should be included. They try their best, but they often get lost so that the structure of the essay becomes incoherent.

Other students feel they are good writers, but they do not know how to start and how to conclude their work. They spend many hours writing their introduction and the results are not always satisfactory. Therefore this group of people is not marked well, although the main part of their work is done very well.

Understanding the task and following the topic is the most common problem for Summer School students to whom I spoke to. They said that it had happened many times they did not read the instructions carefully and in result they were not marked for their work. Therefore, they are worried that it may happen again and they suggest that the lecturers write the topic and instructions clearly and easily in order for them to understand.

International students are stressed because they are studying in a language which is not their mother tongue. Even though they do speak English, it is very common that they do not understand a few words, which stress them out and they cannot start writing. Moreover, foreign students do not know if grammar matters. What is the point of good work? How would they be marked if their essays were desirable but written in ungrammatical English?

The Summer School students have many concerns regarding the written assignments. However, they feel to be sufficiently prepared and most of them are ready to accept the challenge and show their motivation to study at the University.
Blad w 2 linijce przypadkowy, juz poprawiony/
Honestly? It's not up to univ standard.

Written assignments make many students feel stressed and anxious.
>There are plenty of reasons why students are sometimes really worry
>about them. I have found a number of factors which cause it,
>investigating the problem by speaking to Summer School students at The
>University of Aberdeen.

Why don't you start with sth like that:

It is said that a lot of/ a great deal of written assignments make people feel very stressed and anxious. Truth to tell, I do not personally believe in that. Although I am wondering, what is the crux of the problem? While doing a research on this subject I have found various issue-factors which definitely require taking a closer look at. My target group comprised three students of Summer School of Aberdeen University. The results are given in the next paragraph.

coś pokombinuj, żeby to się jakoś fajnie czytało, w końcu to na studia a nie do śmietnika :)
tak patrzę, to lepiej dać students from ..., sorry trochę w biegu :)
a lot of/ - colloquial

a great deal - only with uncountable nouns

don't give advice.
czy ja wiem, lots of albo loads of to jest bardziej colloquial

a great deal of - się pospieszyłem

oj tam od razu nie radzić, nikt nie jest omegą :)
zamiast deal dasz number i git :)
mialo byc
don't give such advice' :-)
ok, respect :)
kochanie -

>It is said that 'a lot of' (to jest kolokw) a great deal of written assignments 'make' (lepiej 'result in') people feelING very stressed and anxious. 'Truth to tell' (zla kol slow - To tell the truth, - ale to dla mnie nie pasuje na tego typu essay - nie rozmawiasz z kolezanka), I do not
personally believe 'in' (niepotr) that (a gdzie tego dowody?). 'Although I am wondering, what is the crux of the problem?' (w tego typu essay nie powinnismy zadawac rhetorycznych pytan) While doing 'a' (niepotr) research on this subject I have found various issue-factors which definitely require taking a closer look
'at' (at na koncu zdania?). My target group comprised three students of A Summer School of Aberdeen University. 'The results are given in the next paragraph' (a po co to? Przeciez i tak ten ktos moze poczytac results - don't make the reader feel that he needs to be lead by the hand)

Original tekst byl dobry - ty wymyslasz i to nie bedzie pasowalo do reszty.
Dziekuje wszystkim, kazdego dnia pracuje nad moim angielskim. Wiem ze moj tekst nie jest akademicki, ale zamierzam studiowac engineering i literackie zdolnosci nie sa bardzo oceniane.

Niestety nie moge wstawiac tu zadnych prac na forum bo wykrywa je Turnitin i mam 100% plagiarism, zwlaszcza ze uzywam nicku UK_student ktory nic nie mowi.

Mialbym goraca prosbe do Terri:
Gdybys podala mi swojego maila (np. odezwala sie na [email] a ja bym wyslal raz na jakis czas esej (moze raz na 2 tygodnie). Jak bedziesz miala czas rzucic okiem bez zadnego pospiechu, to rzucisz, a jak nie to poprostu nie otworzysz maila albo wyrzucisz, ja i tak bede wdzieczny, bo bardzo szanuje wasza bezinteresowna pomoc....
Maila, dlatego ze tak jak opisalem nie moge wrzucac swoich prac do netu przed oddaniem...
Truth to tell - formal :)
my suggestions are always swerving from the line a bit I guess
merix kochanie
>>>>Truth to tell...
Co Ty mi tu wypisujesz? ze niby to jest formalnie i jest ok? Gdzie Ty to tak sie tego dowiedziales? Zrodlo? Prosze nie wymyslac regul, myslac, ze ja nie znam co to formalny a nieformalny jezyk.
men the world over seem to prefer to "bluff" than admit they don't know something or may be wrong. :)
Terri kochana

wygląda na to, że poznałaś właśnie "truth to tell = prawdę mówiąc" - formalne.
Source: Słownik Kościuszkowski najnowsza edycja :)

Siunia, do niczego nie muszę się przyznawać, musicie lepiej weryfikować źródła kochane, albo lepiej je przeszukiwać :)
>>>truth to tell
niestety slownik sie myli. Tego sie tak nie uzywa...To tell the truth...
Nie wmawiam mi, ze 'prawde mowiac' - to jest 'truth to tell' to bo sa bzdury.
>>>musicie lepiej weryfikować źródła kochane, albo lepiej je przeszukiwać :)
Prosze poszukac inne zrodlo, ktore uzywa 'truth to tell' jako 'prawde mowiac' - zrodlo ktore jest wiarygodne.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 66
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