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Thank for your e-mail. I hope that you are fine and in good health.

I sent you sms mesage before I had sent you poscard from the sea.
Did you get it?
I wrote you about Rafal’s travel and I thank you for him nice visit and beautiful presnets. My kids were gratified when they saw it. Perfumes smells fabulous! ( as always)

I’m so glad that you and Thomas are satisfied with Rafal’s work. He is always careful- in home works and in him job also.
Thank (ale komu? tutaj moge sobie zgadywac kolezance, kochance) for your e-mail.

I sent you AN 'sms' (nie,, w jez. ang. nie mamy 'sms' jest TEXT message) 'mesage' (ortog) before I had sent you A 'poscard' (ortog) 'from the sea' (z morza - popraw).
I wrote you about Rafal's travel and I thank you for 'him' (popraw) nice visit
and beautiful 'presnets' (ortog). My kids were 'gratified' (zle slowo) when they saw it.
'Perfumes' (perfumes to l. mnoga) 'smells' (smells odnosi sie do 3os.l.poj) fabulous! ( as always)
He is always careful- 'in home works' (tego nawet nie rozumiem) and in 'him' (dlaczego uzywasz 'him' - prosze przeczytac roznice pomiedzy 'his' a 'him') job 'also' (ja lubie 'also' w zdaniu a nie na koncu, to laczy 2 idea).
Thank (ale komu? tutaj moge sobie zgadywac kolezance, kochance) for your e-mail.

I sent you AN 'sms' (nie,, w jez. ang. nie mamy 'sms' jest TEXT message) 'mesage' (ortog) before I had sent you A 'poscard' (ortog) 'from the sea' (z morza - popraw).
I wrote you about Rafal's travel and I thank you for 'him' (popraw) nice visit
and beautiful 'presnets' (ortog). My kids were 'gratified' (zle slowo) when they saw it.
'Perfumes' (perfumes to l. mnoga) 'smells' (smells odnosi sie do 3os.l.poj) fabulous! ( as always)
He is always careful- 'in home works' (tego nawet nie rozumiem) and in 'him' (dlaczego uzywasz 'him' - prosze przeczytac roznice pomiedzy 'his' a 'him') job 'also' (ja lubie 'also' w zdaniu a nie na koncu, to laczy 2 idea).
DZiękuję, oto poprawiony tekst, proszę o ewentualną korektę.
Dear Dorota
Thank you for your e-mail.

I sent you an tekst message before I had sent you a postcard at the sea.
I wrote you about Rafal's travel and I thank you for his nice visit
and beautiful presents. My kids were joyful when they saw it.
'Perfumes' (perfumes to l. Mnoga- tak miała być liczba mnoga) smell fabulous! ( as always)
He is always careful- 'in home works' (w pracach domowych) and also in his job.(w jego pracy zawodowej.
I wish you nice vacation.
I sent you an 'tekst' (dlaczego wymyslasz slowa, jak juz Ci podalam jak to sie pisze) message before I 'had' (niepotr) sent you a postcard 'at the
sea' (dlaczego tego nie zmienilas...sea-to jest morze, z morza nic nie mozesz wysylas....mowimy seaside.).
I wrote TO you about Rafal's travel and 'I thank you for his nice visit
and beautiful presents' (dziekuje tobie za jego wizyte- bo ja to tak rozumiem). My kids were joyful when they saw 'it' (ale 'it' odnosi sie do l. poj - a presents to l. mnoga).
THE perfumes smell...
He is always careful- 'in home works' (w pracach domowych- nie wiem, kto was tak uczy, ale to jest zle...prace domowe jako sprzatanie, gotowanie, prasowanie?) and also in his job.
I wish you A nice 'vacation' (to jest AmE ja wole holiday).