Mail do sprawdzenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Moglby ktos zerknac na to:

Dear Mrs xyxy

First of all, I’m sorry for writing to your official email, but I couldn’t find another one.
I’m writing because a very close of mine is looking for an old friend from Poland.
I’m trying to help him, so that’s why I’m looking for a women from Poland with family name xyxyx
If is not you, just ignore that email (unless you could help in another way)
However, it is very important to me, so I would be very grateful for any help.

I am looking forward to your response

Dear Mrs xyxy
First of all, I'm sorry for USING your official email, but I couldn't find another one. I'm writing because a very close FRIEND? of mine is looking for an old friend from Poland. I'm trying to help him, so that's why I'm looking for a women from Poland WHOSE family name IS xyxyx If IT is not you, just ignore THIS email (unless you could help inanother way). However, it is very important to me, so I would be very grateful for any help.

rozwiń też skróty typu I'm, couldn't (I am, could not) - tak ładniej w oficjalnym tekście.
tam na początku - writing to your official email address
a teraz ja poprawie:

First of all, I AM sorry for writing to your official email, but I could NOT
find another one WHERE I COULD WRITE. I AM writing because a very close friend of mine is looking for an old friend from Poland. I AM trying to help him, so
that IS why I AM 'looking' SEARCHING for 'a' (niepotr) women from Poland whoseE family name is xyxyx.
If it is not you, PLEASE just ignore this email (unless you could help
in another way- podaj w jaki sposo).
'However' (zle slowo, tutaj AS THIS IS very important to me, 'so' (niepotr) I would be very grateful for any help.


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