Szalenie Was proszę o sprawdzenie mojego listu. Aby odjąć Wam pracy i nie poprosić o dosłowne przetłumaczenie tekstu, napisałem gotowy tekst po angielksu. Na pewno zrozumienie sens tego o czym pisałem i będziecie na pewno wiedzieć co miałem w zamyśle i odpowiednio poprawicie moje błędne sformułowania.
A ja będę Wam szalenie wdzięczny. Rozchodzi się o to aby napisac list do znanej osoby, ja go troszkę wzbogaciłem (chce jej dać coś od siebie i tak dalej).
Omawiany list znajduje się poniżej, bardzo ślicznie proszę jakąś kompetentną osobę o sprawdzenie tego co napisałem. Z góry dziękuję. Mam nadzieję, że po wklejeniu z Word'a nie przesuną się akapity, linijki i tekst wciąż będzie czytelny.
Hi mistress [imię osoby]. I'm very glad because I found your account! I'm happy because now I can write to you.
I write to you because I would like to give something to you. But before that I would like to tell a story
about you. First time when I saw you I was (probably) eleven years old. I saw you in television watching
movie you played in ([tytuł filmu]). I remember that I was watching this film only for that
reason to see you in a screen. I wash really shocked because you looked amazing. It was a love at first
sight. Don't worry [imię osoby], you can easly read longer without fear that I am an another silly fan or stupid
man who thinks that can get something from you. I don't mean to do that things, I'm just tell this story to
you because I want you to know you have our fans in all over the world. So I remembered you.
Later when acces to the internet was easier i started to read about you and watched pictures of you.
Many of commercials/movies you played in I didn't see because it's hard to get and see it to my.
I live in Poland so that country doesn't support [nazwa państwa] television. I'm not surprised.
Sometimes I think about make a little tribut about you but I wasn't able to do it - I didn't have movies and
i can't get this. But I finally downloaded some of movies you played in and I started to do a little
video-tribute. I'm convinced you deserve on it! And second reason I think like this is that - you are the
most beautiful woman on the earth I think. Your agressive look, mysterious beuty, lovely cheekbones and
that "sexy-wild apperance"! I got creeps when I look at you. Ufff...
I searched internet and all what I found was a two little video-tributes (first was a simple and short
slideshow of pictures, Second was much better movie but it has a bad montage and music).
So i decided to do my own tribute to you, [imię osoby]! It's a pity because I got only a few videos from internet
and I had to do this montage from only few movies. I coudn't do this better (but i think that is really a
nice video - see!). I took pictures of you from internet and start to do it.
In this video-tribute I put one shot of erotic scene. I hope you won't be angry with me for that. I thought
such a beautiful woman like you (which also has a beutiful body) won't be angry for that. It's just your
beauty [imię osoby]. I also put intro (logo) of my own productions but don't worry - it's my own studio and it's a
non-profit company. Films you played in are yours, the same like photos so I think you can decide if
somebody can (or not) matage to clips with you and public it in the internet. So it's my little present for
you and I hoper you will be happy. I's a pleasure to me that I can do something like that for that priceless
woman like you! It's also a pity that you can play in better, knowing movies. Only an [nazwa państwa] small, stupid
comedies for kids. But it’s not you fault – remember! And never think about it like that.
So [imię osoby], if you read this - I am very happy now! And my video is below (added).
See and forgive my poor english but I don't now [nazwa państwa] language at all therefere this was only one way to
write something to you.
You fun from Poland (I'm over ten years with you!).
Czekam na Wasza korektę, dziękuję ślicznie!