proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
czy te zwroty są dobrze napisane?
Where is the pharmacy?
What time is it?
Do you have any siblings?
What time is the bus to city's centre?
How much cost a brot?
I consider myself reliable and cute. However I'm silly.
What do you tell me?
Who is this? Do you know him?
Do you read this book? Where do you buy it?
What can I buy tickets in order to I can go to your grandmather in the village? (jakie bilety mogę kupic aby dojechac do Twojej babki na wsi?)
Where is the pharmacy? OK
What time is it? OK
Do you have any siblings? OK
What time is the bus to city's centre? - to THE city centre?
How much cost a brot? - How much does (a loaf of) bread cost? OR How much is... ?
I consider myself reliable and cute. However I'm silly. - However, ...
What do you tell me? - ??
Who is this? Do you know him? OK
Do you read this book? Where do you buy it? - Are you reading (czy czytasz)/ Have you read this book (czy przeczytałeś)? Where did/ can you buy it?
What can I buy tickets in order to I can go to your grandmather in the village? (jakie bilety mogę kupic aby dojechac do Twojej babki na wsi?)- What (kind of) tickets should (bo co znaczy 'mogę') I buy to get to your grandmother's place in the country?