prosze o przetlumacznie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
czy to jest dobrze gramatycznie...
It makes me want to be/go there-a dokladnie chodzi mi o:To sprawia ze chce tam byc/jechac

i jak napisac...
NARAZIE nie chce wyjezdzac z kraju (szczegolnie prosilabym bym z tym slowkiem narazie, bo jest to w tym zdaniu istotne)

z gory dzieki
narazie to się chyba pisze osobno jeśli znaczy "teraz"

I don't want to leave Poland now/at this time.

Pierwsze dobrze.
może jeszcze bardziej idiomatyczne for the time being
albo: as for now I'm not planning on leaving the country
>albo: as for now I'm not planning on leaving the country

Why "as for now?" What's the role of this "as"?
Why not "plan to leave" instead of "plan on leaving?"
>Why "as for now?" What's the role of this "as"?
The "as" is superfluous, I guess.

>Why not "plan to leave" instead of "plan on leaving?"
You may use the former form, if you wish. I'll stick to the latter, albeit it's the less acceptable one.
>Why "as for now?" What's the role of this "as"?
>Why not "plan to leave" instead of "plan on leaving?"

the translation was just something that crossed my mind, a fist thought. 'As' may be superfluous, as 'Defender.." pointed out, but I have come across 'as for now and 'plan on leaving' on countless occasions and I'm sure it's correct
This "as" is indeed redundant.

About "planning on" vs. "plan to": "planning on +verb-ing" is common; "plan to +verb" is better.

I have this weird feeling that you won't find "plan on+verb-ing" in half-decent edited writing. "Plan on+verb-ing" is casual if not folksy, or rustic.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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