poprawienie błędów i wymowa niektórych słówek

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I’d like talk about advantages and disadvantages of computers. First, I’d like to talk about advantages.
First of all, computers give you a lot informations. You can learn more, talk with friends, download music or movies, listen to music, send message and more. We can also communicate very quickly be e-mail using the Internet too.
Secondly, computers help you work faster, can help you avoid spelling and grammar mistakes.
Moreover, most people use computer because they want relax.
On the other hand computers have also disadvantages.
First of all, computer damage children eyes, cause headaches. People spend too much time when they use a computer or internet.
Secondly, documents can get lost.
What this more, you are only safe on the internet. (hackers, viruses)
To sum up, I think we should use a computer because it’s good to learn something and relax but we must be very careful.

prosze o poprawe (sprawdzenie błedów) i napisanie wymowy tych słówek:

- download
- avoid spelling
- grammar
- On the other hand
- damage
- cause headaches

I'd like TO talk about advantages and disadvantages of computers. FirstLY,
>I'd like to talk about advantages.
>First of all, computers give you a lot OF information. You can learn
>more, talk with friends, download music or movies, listen to music,
>send messageS and more. We can also communicate very quickly bY e-mailS,
>using the Internet too.
>Secondly, computers help you work faster AND can help you avoid spelling
>and grammar mistakes.
>Moreover, most people use computer because they want TO relax.
>On the other hand computers have also disadvantages.
>First of all, computerS damage children eyes, cause headaches. People
>spend too much time when they use a computer or THE Internet.
>Secondly, documents can get lost.
>What IS more, you are NOT safe on the Internet. (hackers, viruses)
>To sum up, I think we should use a computer because it's good to learn
>something and relax but we must be very careful.
Unikaj powtórzeń. To się bardzo rzuca w oczy.

>I'd like TO >>>>>>>talk
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