krótki tekst, bardzo proszę o spr!:)

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I wanted this or not - it happend... The new school year has started.
Now I'm a diligent student of a second form in a secondary school. In a time of about 2 weeks I'll turn into a swot. Books will be the only sense of my life and the worst thing that can happen to me will be to get 1. Even when I get a better mark and it won't be satisfactory for me - I'll start crying. Yeah, it's the best way to sway the teacher to change my poor mark. I'll learn all days and nights, only it can make me the best student in a class and a fair-haired girl of my darling teachers. I won't be so stupid and impolite as some people are and won't get my friends to copy off. I won't help them with many exercises, too. Even when they say that they don't understand anything. They should learn themselves, it's the best way to remember some topics. (I'm saying this every time, but to be honest - nobody can be as good as I am and I won't explain them anything! Haha, they wish!) Only I'm so smart, intelligent, scintillating and very modest.
Yeahh, welcome school and welcome you - all those people who I missed soo much - bleahhhh!!!
WHATHER I wanted 'this' IT or not - it happenEd...
Now I'm a diligent 'student of a second form' (a dlaczego nie - second-year student?) in a secondary school. Books will be the only sense of my life and the worst thing that can happen to me will be to get '1' (Tak, ale ja np nie wiem co to jest '1'?). Even when I get a better mark 'and' (niepotr) it won't be satisfactory for me - I'll start crying.
I'll learn all days and nights, only 'it' THIS can make me the best student in 'a' (tutaj THE) class and a fair-haired girl of my darling teachers. (Teacher's pet?)
(I'm saying this every time, but to be honest - nobody can be as good as I am and I won't explain 'them anything' (anything to them)!

Bardzo dobrze - ale gdzie to znalazlas?
Dziękuję za sprawdzenie!:)

"my darling teachers. (Teacher's pet?)"
to zamiast "darling" może być np. "adored" ?

"Bardzo dobrze - ale gdzie to znalazlas?"
Nie rozumiem pytania...?
A co znaczy "a fair-haired girl of my darling teachers" ?
aaa, źle zrozumiałam... ;)
czyli nie można tu użyć tego słówka "fair-haired" ? (wg. słownika - pupilek (ulubieniec, osoba ciesząca się szczególnymi względami) )
a chciałam napisać właśnie: "ulubienica moich kochanych nauczycieli"
>"Bardzo dobrze - ale gdzie to znalazlas?"
To znaczy, ze przypuszczam ze sama tego nie napisalas, tylko wzielas wzror gdzies z innej strony internetowej.
'Teacher's pet' - to ulubienica nauczycieli.
Tekst napisałam sama, nie widzę sensu w tym, żeby brać wzór z jakiejś strony internetowej, skoro trwają wakacje i piszę sama dla siebie, dla przyjemności i podszkolenia się w angielskim...
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