
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
jestem poczatkująca a juz kazali mi napisać rozprawke na temat wad i zalet przedłużenia wakacji. Sprawdziłby ktoś? To moja pierwsza

Nowadays, as recent reports in the media show the Polish government is considering a bill to prolong holidays. The supporters of this idea think about numerous advantages, but there are some obvious drawback involved.
Many people are convinced that longer holiday is capability of better refreshment. fresh employers and students are ready for service and also have a lot of ideas, which could make them rich people.
An additional advantage of holiday project is that it can allows families to close each others. Children will have an opportunity to know better their parents and they will be able to coddle babies and have fun with them.
On the other hand prolongation of vacation can have significant influence on education. Longest vacations mean shortest school year and more time spend at books. Teachers must assign more for home. Pupil’s moments of freedom would be stripped.
Moreover it is possible to include for disadvantages of summer holiday the threats, which waiting for independently leaving young people. Adolescents are not pass for cases sometimes, that if you will be progressed irresponsibly it can brings ugly memories.
Taking al this into account the positive points cannot be denied, but the negative one outweigh
-NIE WIERZĘ- Jeśli to prawda, to masz talent lingwistyczny.
Nowadays, as recent reports/surveys showED, the Polish government is considering prolonging halidays. Supporters of this idea think THAT it has many/a lot of advantages, but there are some obvious drawbacks involved.

Many people are convinced that longer holidayS ARE A 'capability' (nie w tym kontekście) GREAT WAY TO 'better'(nie ma tutaj sensu) REFRESH YOURSELF.
REfreshED employers and students are ready to UNDERTAKE MOJOR TASKS AND THEY also have a lot of ideas WHAT CAN MAKE THEM RICH PEOPLE.

resztę jutro sprawdzę
Może trochę zawyżyłem Twe zdolności, ale argumenty są kapitalne.
Robisz dużo błędów. Jednak trochę się pomyliłem... Ale pomysły są ok i ogólnie nie najgorzej :)
Czy naprawde chcesz nam wmowic, ze poczatkujacy studenci jez. ang - juz maja taka az szerokosc slownictwa...
>>>On the other hand prolongation of vacation can have significant influence on education....
>An additional advantage of holiday project is that it can allows
>families to 'close each others' ( pewnie chodzi Ci o budowanie pewnej więzi, spędzanie więcej czasu etc. ). Children will have an opportunity to
>know better their parents and they will be able to 'coddle'(rozpieszczać swoje dziecko? - nie można tak robić) babies and
>have fun with them. (to podaruj sobie, chyba, że masz inne pomysły)

The next advantage of THE holiday project is that it allows to improve a certain bond between families. THEY will have an opportunity to GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER better(?). Parents will be able to look after/take care of their babies and also have a lot of fun being with them.

Rodzina zna się od zawsze, od urodzenia i w ogóle... To trochę bez sensu.

>On the other hand prolongation of 'vacation' (albo piszesz BRE, albo AME) can have significant
>influence on education. Longest vacations mean shortest school year - zle
>and more time spend ‘at’ books. - zle Teachers must assign – zle (assign – co masz na mysli?) more for home.
>Pupil's moments of freedom would be stripped.

On the other hand, prolongation of HOLIDAYS /MAY have A significant influence on education/ may seriously affect your education/may exert influence on education. LONGER HOLIDAYS mean shorter school year and more time spending with books / reading books. Teachers must give much more home works.
'the' prolongation*
Pierwszy raz podjąłem się sprawdzenia takiego tekstu, więc też mogłem popełnić błędy i proszę też mnie poprawiać.
Pupil's moments of freedom would be ‘stripped’ (co masz na myśli?, zredukowane?...).
Moreover it is possible to include for disadvantages of summer holiday the threats, which waiting for independently leaving young people( nie rozumiem tego zdania, napisz, co chcesz powiedzieć). Adolescents are not pass for cases sometimes(też nie wiem, co to znaczy), that if you will be progressed irresponsibly it can brings ugly memories.
Taking al this into account the positive points cannot be denied, but the negative one outweigh.

Pupil’s moments of freedom would be limited(ograniczone).
… that if you ARE… it can BRING
Cały ten paragraph napisz po polsku.
Pupils' moments*
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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