I was THE first child of my parents. I grew up 'so as every' (tego cos nie rozumiem, czy chcesz powiedziec...just as every other) healthy child.
I was polite, obedient and curious of THE world. I liked playING in THE sandpit
with other children. I hated 'eat meal to milks' (tu cos nie tak - napisz to po polsku). I don't remember these moments 'at' OF my life.
Since I remember, I 'very liked' (kalka z polskiego, bardzo lubilesm - ale po ang. tak nie piszemy, tutaj musi byc inaczej ...I liked listenING to fables and fairy tales VERY MUCH 'my mum' (tego nie rozumiem w tym zdaniu).
'There' THAT was THE first separation 'with' (znowu kalka z polskiego 'z' - ale w ang. to FROM-od) my mum. I remember 'only' (zla kolejnosc) sleeping ONLY on THE mattress and under THE blanket from that time. The 'theater' (ortog) is a bad memory, because 'she usually forced me to eat milk soup' (popraw to zdanie, to niema zadnego sensu). The nicest memory 'with' FROM my childhood is 'to' (niepotr) eatING A WARM apple-pie 'warm' (zla kol slow) with my grandfather; he died a few years 'old' AGO.
A special event in my life was my first trip to 'the colonies' (nie, co ja z tego zrozumialam to jest calkowicie cos innego jak ty masz na mysli) the holiday.
I met a lot of new friends and 'exploring' (ale jak 'met' masz w simple to dlaczego nie 'exploring'?) nature. I 'go' WENT to the 'colonies' (calkowicie zle slowo) every year from that moment. 'Thus' (napisz to inaczej...IN THIS WAY I met Poland and new people.
THE MOST important people in my life are my parents. They 'foster me' (nie, cos tu nie tak) and teach 'who well-being' (nie rozumiem tego). 'They're authorities' (cos tego nie rozumiem) for me. I admire them too: 'a responsibility, sincerity and love' (nie rozumiem jak to zdanie sie laczy). In the future 'I'd be such exactly' (nie,musisz to napisac inaczej...I WOULD LIKE TO BE JUST LIKE THEM.
I 'very like' (ta konstrukcja nie istnieje w jez. ang. - to jest kalka z polskiego ...LIKE readING books VERY MUCH, I'm 'interesting' (zla czesc zdania...) IN biology and chemistry. Many people think that I'm 'a' (jak napiszesz 'a' to cos brakuje na koncu zdania, lepiej bez 'a' i wtedy zdanie ok.) loyal, friendly and helpful. In MY free time I make an origami and friendship bracelets.