Temat w/w
Prosiłbym o poprawienie bo jestem noga z angielskiego a musze to na jutro miec ... o_O'
,, I'm too fat ! ". Is there anyone who didn't heard that from his partner or friend ?
Keeping fit is most common problem in 21th century. Everyone in these days want
to be as thin as a rack and have figure of a model. But what if living too healthy is
living unhealthy ?
To star with, the benefits of keeping fit cannot be denied. In addition, it let you
feel good in your body, which means that you become more self-confident and open to people.
Secondly, taining will cause good functioning of your organism. Systematical physical exercises
help strenght your muscles and bones. Finally, keeping fit let you have more energy and optimistical
attitude to life.
However, the most important drawback of systematical training is situation when you star live in
,,non-stop exercise". People become obsessed about they weight, which leads to sinny look, losing
concetration and tiredness.Another disadvantage of staying fit is cost of it. You must pay for
equipment, clothingc and club membership and they aren't cheap.
All in all, I think that keeping fit is good thing. All people should train but in racional amount.