sprawdzenie słownictwo helpe meee

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
hej! mam prosbe. moglby mi ktos sprawdzic tescik ze slownictwa?

1. After a month of negotiations, Sam got a(n) …. from the bank to buy his own house.
a) mortgage b) account c) overdraft d) deposit
2. Tara Johns’ new book has received lots of controversial ………..
a) notes b) debates c) reviews d) critic
3. Microsoft has spent a fortune on ………… to come up with its new operating system.
a) investigation b) research c) examination d) study
4. Before the Great Earthquake, the Isle of Gondor ……. on the Misty Sea.
a) lie b) lay c) laid d) lied
5. After a month of hard work in CenterCom, she finally got her first ……..
a) wage b) fee c) loan d) pay
6. The player was disqualified after ………… a drug test.
a) failing b) preventing c) losing d) beating
7. Yesterday the local authorities decided to set up a meeting between two enemy gangs.
…… nothing serious will happen.
a) Unluckily b) For luck c) With any luck d) Luckily
8. I think I should go to the doctor as my head ………. too often.
a) pains b) aching c) hurts d) sores
9. We haven’t used the machine ……….. so we forgot how to operate it.
a) recent b) lately c) at last d) lastly
10. Jill likes living in the country, as she can …………. fresh air.
a) breathe b) exhale c) respire d) breath

my anwers:1.a 2.c 3.b 4.? 5.a 6.a 7.d 8.a 9.b 10.a
4. sprawdź w słowniku; nie chciałabym Ci podać złej odpowiedzi :)
5. źle
7. źle
8. źle
4. lay?
Lay or Lie?

Lay means "to place something down." It is something you do to something else. It is a transitive verb.

Incorrect: Lie the book on the table.
Correct: Lay the book on the table.
(It is being done to something else.)

Lie means "to recline" or "be placed." It does not act on anything or anyone else. It is an intransitive verb.

Incorrect: Lay down on the couch.
Correct: Lie down on the couch.
(It is not being done to anything else.)

The reason lay and lie are confusing is their past tenses.

The past tense of lay is laid.

The past tense of lie is lay.

Incorrect: I lay it down here yesterday.
Correct: I laid it down here yesterday.
(It is being done to something else.)

Incorrect: Last night I laid awake in bed.

Correct: Last night I lay awake in bed.
(It is not being done to anything else.)

The past participle of lie is lain. The past participle of lay is like the past tense, laid.
Definitely "lay on the Misty..", the past form of "lie" with its pp "lain" which doesn't take an object as opposed to "lay"(laid,laid) which does and as Siunia mentioned it rightly.
Even many natives jumble this sense of "lay" with "lie" , particularly in the continuous tenses.


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