I love adventures and package tourS (l. mnoga).
I prefer 'pracical' (ortog), informal and casual style (tutaj mozna dodac 'of clothes') and I like the urban style because it contains a lots of variety. I don't have a 'wordrobe' (ortog) YET, but when I grow up I'll have 'it' (ale tutaj ja to zrozumialam jako 'szafa', a nie to co masz na mysli, jako 'wardrobe of clothes'.
As a matter of fact my favourite clothes are my fancy tops because THEY ARE NOT boring and I stand out in a crowd. Usually I wear 'a' (niepotr) 'jeand' (ortog), because THESE trousers 'fit' (tutaj zle slowo- masz na mysli MATCH 'the' (niepotr) my T-shirts and THEY are very 'pracitcal' (ortog). 'I'm choosing' (zly czas. I CHOOSE 'conmon' (nie, ortog ale i tak zle slowo, 'common' w UK znaczy calkowicie cos innego, 'common' znaczy prawie 'uliczne', ubrania ktore ubieraja kobiety 'pracujace w zawodzie, uzyj tutaj slowo EVERYDAY clothes because I feel so good and 'freely' FREE when I wear 'it' THEM.
'Comfortable' (zla czesc zdania, tutaj COMFORT is very important.
When I'm wearing 'this' THESE (this odnosi sie do l. poj, a tutaj 'clothes') clothes I can do everything, 'it' THEY ARE NOT 'isn't' (niepotr) limiting my moves. I know that my favourites clothes it isn't creative and
'imaginative' (zla czesc zdania, tutaj IMAGINATION 'but that unimportant' (tego pojecia calkowicie nie rozumiem), because I really like it. 'Belive' (ortog) me
simple dresses 'musn't' DO NOT HAVE TO be boring.