Jeszcze troche popracujesz i beda z Ciebie ludzie :)
Nie tlumacz doslownie z polskiego (on start, in recently Monday, with math)
>>On start I want boast to you.
At the beginning, I want to brag about something.
In recently
>Monday, I wrote very important an exam with math.
Last Monday, I wrote A very important MATH EXAM.
biology exam - egzamin z biologii
English exam - egzamin z angielskiego
math exam - egzamin z matematyki
>A few days before exam, I was completely boring and In last weekend I
>didn't learn it.
...before THE exam...
I was completely boring = ja bylem calkiem nudny
I was completed bored = znudzony
and last weekend, I didn't study. Ale co ma znudzenie do uczenia sie?
>Sorry but i don't like to learning. to study.
po like albo czasownik w formie podstawowej z "to" albo czasownik z -ing. Nigdy "to" i czasownik z -ing razem.
>more, I'm seriously ill.
What is more.....
In spite of all i went to school and I wrote
In spite of IT all, I went....THE test.
>I was quiet.
calm nie quiet
Actually I was jittery a bit but now i know that
...I know that it was unnecessary.
>Yesterday declare results and You won't belive
Yesterday I found out the results and you (w srodku zdania you piszemy mala litera) won't believe it. I passed the exam...