B: 'Oh, how long no see you?' (a to niby po jakiemu jest - napisz to wg ang. gramatyki)
A: 'Just' (nie rozumiem uzycia tego slowa tutaj) I run my own small business but already I have problems with it.
B: Hmm, I have a lot 'to the saying' (tego nie rozumiem). In my life 'dropped' (zle slow- uzyj odpowiednie) many changes. 'And' (czy w jez. polskim tez zaczynamy zdania z 'i' prosze nie zaczynac zdan z 'and') as you I have problems.
A: 'In our times' (zle pojecie, tutaj NOWADAYS nothing 'can go' (zly czas) THE 'which' (po co to?) WAY we want.
What (a gdzie czasownik?) wrong in your company?
B: As you know my father is old, 'he has 72 old' (prosze to poprawic i nigdy wiecej nie pisac tych bzdur...), and he is still THE CEO of the company. I would like to spend time after work with other staff of THE company, but they never want to have a drink with me after work.
That is terrible, they think that 'I can say about that my father' (tego nie rozumiem).
A:I understand you, but I am also a 'chef' (czy masz na mysli chef w kuchni czy CHIEF- 2 rozne pojecia, prosze nie wprowadzac ludzi w blad) in my company so I understand 'also' (po co to?) your staff. I think you should give the staff arguments that you are A good person to spend (ale co? tutaj brakuje TIME with them 'time' (niepotr) after work. What about THE company car, time of work and your holidays (well, what about them? czy to ma byc pytanie, czy cos, bo jako zdanie nie jest poprawne).
B: How DO you know that I have a problems with this?
A: Hmm. I have AN intuition.
B: My father 'buy' (zly czas) for me A company car, 'he is beautiful' (o mezczyznach generalnie nie mowimy ze sa 'beautiful' czy masz na mysli samochod, ale przeciez samochod to nie 'he'!) and expensive but I don't like the color. My new BMW is 'whole pink' (a jaki inny pink moze byc half pink?-popraw). I can't understand why my father chOse this color, (przecinek przed but) but I am AN adult I am not a 'children' (children to l. mnoga, ty tylko mozesz byc l. poj - popraw).
A: Your father loveS (he loveS) you, and 'they' (do kogo to sie odnosi, kto to jest to 'they'?) think that you are still his little daughter. You should speak with YOUR father about THE color which you prefer for your car. 'Maybe he do with this something' (to zdanie nioe jest poprawne - popraw).
B: IN a little while THERE will be A holiday and now when I have 'more' (niepotr) money I cannot choose between Florida and Hawaii. 'Always I want' (zla kol slow...I ALWAYS WANTED TO travel to 'this' (ale 'this' odnosi sie do l. poj, a 2 places to l. mnoga-popraw) two places. And when I can travel where I want I have emptiness in the head (cos nie rozumiem sensu tego zdania).
But I would like to have longer weekends to rest (zdanie ok, ale 'weekend' do konca swiata bedzie mial tylko 2 dni). I make important decisionS 'in' AT work. I think that I AM 'belongs' (to jest kalka z polskiego - prosze tak nie myslec - tutaj ENTITLED) 'me' (niepotr) TO more free time.
A: Now I think that you should 'accustom to work' (nie rozumiem tego calkowicie, vchyba HAVE GOTTEN ACCUSTOMED TO WORK. You have A very good
place to work IN. In THE future you CAN change your opinion.
B: But you 'didn't' DON'T know everything. An American firm wants to buy
THE business for $1[tel]but my father wants more.
A: Your father knowS (do 3os.l.poij dodajemy -s w reg. czasownikach,m prosze sie dostosowac do tego) what he WANTS TO do.
He is A very good business man and he knowS (he knowS) how much THE BUSINESS is worth. 'his work' (niepotr).
B: ok. I will think about everything 'what' (kalka z polskiego 'co' tutaj akurat mamy uzyj THAT you 'advice' (tutaj ma byc czasownik a nie rzeczownik, prosze rozrozniac czesci zdania) me ABOUT.
A: As you know I have my own business, and my life isn't such colorful
'as it can give' (alew 'give' what? to jakos niema sensu).
Also I have 'a' (niepotr) problems with my car 'he' (moze cie uswiadomie, ale samochody to nie 'he' ani 'she' tylko IT is five years old and 'he' IT IS always breakING down. I don't have THE strength and THE money 'to get with all' (tego nie rozumiem). 'How it would be little' (tego nie rozumiem-prosze nie tlumaczyc slowo w slowo z polskiego) also I have problems with my customers.
B: Maybe you should 'tell' (zle slowo) with my father about your
A: When I 'haven't' (nie pisz tak, tutaj DO NOT HAVE A different 'exit' (zle slowo) surely I WILL come to your father about the help.