Scenariusz po angielsku.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam prośbę. Napisałam z koleżanką scenariusz do naszego filmu na angielski, tylko nie jestem pewna, czy gdzieś nie mamy błędów - mógłby ktoś to sprawdzić? : >
Z góry dzięki.

Narrator: One beautiful day, five friends went for a walk to the forest.
1: Hey! Look what I found! What a strange machine lie there in the bushes?
2: Don't touch it! It can be dangerous!
1: Don't be stupid. I'm going to see it. * idzie w krzaki *
Słychać hałas. Wszyscy nagle znikają.
Wszyscy nagle pojawiają się w pobliżu zburzonego mostu.
3: er ... where are we?
4: In the forest! But it looks different...
3: I don't remember this ruined bridge...
1: Weird...
Wszyscy się rozglądają, chodzą naokoło. Po chwili.
5: I think I know what happened ... We travelled into the future! I saw program about it on TV!
2: Oh no, not that!
4: So ... which year have we now?
1: I don’t know.
*Pojawia się człowiek, który uprawia jogging ze słuchawkami na uszach *
3: Excuse me ... EXCUSE ME! Which year have we now?
Człowiek: * patrzy się na nich z politowaniem * It's 2050 now. * szybko odbiega*
Wszyscy sÄ… zszokowani.
5: Well, we have a problem...
* wszyscy siedzą w kółku *
2: Well, what will we do now?
5: Maybe we'll go into town to see what has changed through these 40 years?
1: Good idea. Who goes first?
All: YOU!
2: We are here because of you!
1: Eh, okay.
* wszyscy w milczeniu czekają na kolesia nr 1, w końcu zdyszany przybiega*
1: Oh my god! Everything looks like a big amusement park! There are flying cars everywhere! Robots are walking on the street and…
2: Hey, calm down!
1: What?
3: I do not understand, what are you talking about?
1: what do you mean? Oh, you don’t believe me!
All: NO!
1: Okay, you know what? Let's go there and see!
5: Alright, I'll go.
* wszyscy znów czekają, po 3 minutach wraca 5.*
5: MY GODDNES! I saw a green guy! GREEN! As in science fiction films! Let’s get out of here!
1: I told you.
2, 3, 4: HAHAHAHA.
5: Why are you laughing?
3: Because now you are telling stupid things!
2 and 4: Wait here for us, and we’ll go there. Number 3, come on!
* 15 minut później, nr 2,3 i 4 ciągną jakąś dziewczynę, która płacze i krzyczy *
2: You were right, it really is one amusement park!
1: We know, but who is this girl?
3: We took her with us, because we want to know what is going on here, don’t we?
5: Oh no… it must be a joke …

Porwana: AAAAAAA! HELP ME!!!
Everyone: Shut up!
1: Sit down.
Porwana: Do not order me!
*porwana lasia siada*
4: And now talk! What is that?
Porwana: But… But what?
5: Everything! It’s 2050, yes?
Porwana: er, yes… and?
2: Listen. We are from 2009, we travelled in the time.
Porwana: Are you serious?
5: Yes! Tell us everything, how the whole world looks now?
1: What are that strange flying cars?
Porwana: It’s [some complicated name]. It’s free, everyone received it after birth. It does not need fuel or gas... it just flies.
4: Oh my god. And who are the green people? There were only white, black, and yellow people in 2009!
Porwana: Green people come from Venus. There are interplanetary ships, which fly to other planets. For example we have a school trip to Mars next week!
4: I can’t believe …
1: Wow, that’s so cool! * wszyscy patrzÄ… na 1. jak na debila *

2: So… what will we do now? We stuck here forever!
5: There must be a way to come back to 2009!
Porwana: er… can I go now?
Wszyscy: No!
1: You can be useful to help!
Porwana: Okaaaay, as you wish.
4: I want to my mommy!
3: Shut up and stop complaining!
* 4 zaczyna płakać. 5 chodzi w kółko. 1 idzie w krzaki *
1: LOL! What is it? I have to see it!
Wszyscy: Nooo! Don’t touch it!
1: Too late, I’ve already touched that strange machine! Nothing happened.
3: Good. But...
BOOM! Wszyscy znikajÄ….

Wszyscy pojawiajÄ… siÄ™ w miejscu ze SCENY 1. Obok chodzi sobie dziadek z koszem i zbiera grzyby.
3: Excuse me, what year have we got now?
CzÅ‚owiek: Er… well…it’s year 2009 now.
Porwana: NOOOOOO! What have you done to me!