poprawienie błędów w pracy! szybko![do godz. 23]

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Hi Pati,
How are things? I have just arrived home. You will never guess what I saw on the way home.
I had met with my friend in departament store and was going out when I saw a two girls which trying to steal some clothes. One girl looking around and checking if someone look what they do. Diffrent girl put the clothes in the bag. Some women who staying next to girls apprise shop assisstent about trial the theft. Meanwhile, a some boy had called the police. They arrived a few minutes later. The girls tried to run away. The police man aressted they and called on parents. The teenagers been so embittered.
What are you up to Saturday night? Do you fancy going out? Meaby we going to the disco?
Take care and see you soon,

proszę o szybkie poprawienie tekstu. bardzo ważne! :D
z góry dziękuję ;)
Hi Pati,
How are things going? I have just arrived home. You will never guess what
I saw on the way home.
I had met my friend in a departament store and was going out when I saw two girls who were trying to steal some clothes. One of them was looking around to check if anyone saw what they were doing. The other girl was putting clothes into her bag. The women who were standing next to these girls apprised a shop assisstent of the trial of theft. In the meanwhile a boy called the police. They arrived a few minutes later. The girls tried to run away. The policeman arrested them and called their parents.
The teenagers were really embittered. What are you up to on Saturday night? Do you fancy going out? Maybe we could go to the disco?
Take care and see you soon,


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