May 23, 2009
Ms. Lynn Wechsler
program coordinator
Student Union the University of London
Gower Street
London WC1 E 6BT
Dear Ms. Prince:
I read in the internet about the program you are coordinator for. As a current student of the 7th semester at Dresden University of Technology and a science assisten at my university I believe that I have the necessary skills to arrange a new physical labour.
As my univeristy major I have chosen physics. For a two years I have received a scholarship because of my extraordinary grades. In my work as a science assistant I have been required to help another students to conduct their experiments during their internships and also assist in some experiments of the Theoretical Atomic and Molecular Physics Group. One year ago I completed the four-week internship in Fraunhofer Institute, working on a project "Electron and Plasma Technology". What is more my English knowledge is very good ( last year I have passed a CAE exam with grade B) and your project would be a great possibility to improve my language skills.
The University of London is familiar to me as one of the best universities in England, and my aspiration is to get know the way of working in an institution with such an excellent reputation. I have endosed a copy of my resume and can be contacted at anytime for an interview on 333 3333 33. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to receiving your reply.
Anna Kowalska
Maulbeerenstrasse 14
01696 Dresden