It was snowy, cold day when I [was going...zly czas] for my driving exam. I was so frightened because I had never [been drivig...zly czas] in snow before. When MY time was up, I passed THE first part of THE exam and THEN I began THE second (part).
I didn't suppose (zle slowo...spodziewac) that my examiner [will...zly czas] be such an annoying person.
He was a overweight man in his mid-forties. In addition, he was of [high height ...kalka z polskiego] so he looked like A dangerous bear. It made a huge impression on me. He was dark-haired but his beard was gray, but he did not have got a moustache . THE colour of his beard scared me. When we sat in the car, I noticed that he [has..zly czas] such a round stomach. He was really A big man. I (saw also...kol. slo...lepiej "noticed") small wrinkles arounD his eyes and on (jego)forehead. But there WEREN'T THAT MANY .
When I heard his first sentence, I was sure (czy "certain") that it wOULD not be a [pleasure...zle slowo] ride. His voice was so cold and unfriendly. Moreover, he was really firm (czy "strict") and [did not want to relaxed me...po pracuj nad tym dalej]. Me?? examiner was a VERY (official...nie wiem co tu chcesz powiedziec) person. When I [make..zly czas] a small mistake he shouted at me. He was a very nervous and angry (co dalej? man? examiner? teacher?). [In the other site...cos tu nie gra, side? czy site? maja inne znaczenia] my examiner was VERY accurate??? (observant? detail-oriented? tu chcesz powiedziec?). He saw (lepiej observed) every ONE OF my actions (movements?) but he was not malicous. My route was not difficult so I think that he did not want to [failed...zly czas] me.
"You passed" I heard finally (kto mowi?). I was the happiest person in the world because it was my first attempt. Despite the fact that my examiner was unpleasant but fair, I do not want to meet him ever again!