Krótki list - prośba o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 31
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Dear Marek,

Hi, what's up ? Did you finally start studying playing guitar ? And did you pass yours exams for certificate of secondary education ? Or maybe you have been doing nothing and failed ?

I'm sure, that you want to know how am I doing :) . To be honest, I'm not doing anything uncommon, without one thing - i started playing ASG. What is ASG ? It's war game, similar to paintball but much more realistic. All players have real weapons replicas, which shots small plastic balls, uniforms and other military stuff. Of course we have protection -specialist ballistic glasses or gogles. I think, that it's great way for spending free time. You should try that :) . Just type "ASG" in Internet browser and you will find everything you need.

OK, I've got to stop now, I need to prepare my equipment for tomorrows game. Take care of yourself and write back soon !
Dear Marek,

Hi, what's up ? Did you finally start studying guitar ? And did you pass your exams for THE certificate of secondary education ? Or maybe you have been doing nothing and failed ?

I'm sure that you want to know how am I doing :) . To be honest, I'm not doing anything , EXCEPT FOR one thing - i(z duza litera) started playing ASG. What is ASG ? It's (przedimek)war game, similar to paintball but much more realistic. All players have real weapons (replicas which shots(orto) small plastic balls)-[wstaw w zawiasach], uniforms and other military stuff . Of course, we have protection -special ballistic?? glasses or gogles (orto). I think, that it's (przedimek)great way free time. You should try IT :) . Just type "ASG" in (przedimek)Internet browser and you will find everything you need.

OK, I've got to stop now, I need to prepare my equipment for tomorrows (cos tu brakuje) game. Take care of yourself and write back soon !
I'm sure that you want to know how am I doing :) To nie jest PYTANIE, zmien kolejnosc 2 slow.
Czyli [...] how I'm doing [...] ?
... 'how I am doing' pasuje lepiej w Twoim kontekscie. Ja bym sugerowal ponowne napisanie calosci z poprawkami i wklejenie tutaj.
Jeszcze jedno, może zdanie o nie robieniu niczego lepiej będzie tak wyglądało ?

I'm not doing anything special, except for one thing - I started [...]
Hi, what's up ? Did you finally start studying guitar ? And did you pass your exams for the certificate of secondary education ? Or maybe you have been doing nothing and failed ?

I'm sure that you want to know how I'm doing :) . To be honest, I'm not doing anything, except for one thing - I started playing ASG. What is ASG ? It's a war game, similar to paintball but much more realistic. All players have real weapons (replicas which shots small plastic balls), uniforms and other military stuff . Of course, we have protection - special glasses or gogles . I think, that it's a great way to spend your free time. You should try it :) . Just type "ASG" in Internet browser and you will find everything you need.

OK, I've got to stop now, I need to prepare my equipment for tomorrows game. Take care of yourself and write back soon !

Przerobione, ale nie wiem co wstawić przed nawiasami ->
Edit, już wiem
Hi, what's up ? Did you finally start studying guitar ? And did you pass your exams for the certificate of secondary education ? Or maybe you have been doing nothing and failed ?

I'm sure that you want to know how I am doing :) . To be honest, I'm not doing anything, except for one thing - I started playing ASG. What is ASG ? It's a war game, similar to paintball but much more realistic. All players have real weapons (replicas which shots small plastic balls), uniforms and other military stuff . Of course, we have protection - special glasses or goggles. I think, that it's a great way to spend your free time. You should try it :) . Just type "ASG" in an Internet browser and you will find everything you need.

OK, I've got to stop now, I need to prepare my equipment for tomorrows game. Take care of yourself and write back soon !
tzn. nie wiem czego brakuje i jaki jest ort. w shots.
i czy może być
"I'm not doing anything special, except for one thing - I started..."

a, i replicas powinno być raczej przed nawiasem.
Hej Aaric:
I've noticed a pattern to your "helpfulness" on this forum, ... you seem to let others do the "heavy lifting" around here and then swoop in to correct their work. I don't claim to be perfect and mistakes or typos are sometimes missed. I am obviously interested in helping each "asker" to the best of my abilities and want them to receive the best version they can.
What I don't appreciate is someone who seems to hold back their help until an opportune moment (like after someone else's corrections). It feels like grandstanding to me and it rubs me the wrong way.
Perhaps this behaviour is not intentional, but it is beginning to bug me.

I suggest you tackle more "sprawdzenie" from scratch.
(replicas which SHOOT small plastic balls)
moze byc
Ok, a w przedostatnim zdaniu czego brakuje ?
o co chodzi? tomorrow?
I need to prepare my equipment for tomorrows game.
juz Ci to wyjasnilam (21:39)
Your point is well taken. I only 'swoop in' for short corrections because my busy schedule doesn't allow me to do more. I can only come on the Forum for a few minutes at the time. Myslalem ze nasza misja jest pomagac w angielskim obojetnie w jakim stopniu, aby ZBIOROWO dana pomoc byla wyczerpujaca i dokladna.
Jezeli inni forumowicze sa Twojego zdania to ja sie usune z tego Forum.

Aaric, don't get your shorts in a knot.
Your contributions here are welcome and NEEDED.
The point I was trying to make was I don't like the feeling of having you circling jak jakis sep. (vulture?) :)
It feels "nit-picky", But I most certainly don't want to scare you away.
Actually, I am one of the least scary people on the forum. LOL

I'm a "prosto z mostu" kind of gal, so I like to get stuff off my chest.
We're good.
....I'm a "prosto z mostu" kind of gal ... and Canadian to boot who likes to keep watching the hockey game "come what may" for those in the know:))

Po co od razu chcesz się usuwać Aaric ? Siunia jest jedną( jak wielu innych "inhabitants of this forum") z najmilszych i rozsądnych osób których "znam" i na pewno nie chce takich rozwiązań. Ja bym musiał chyba sto razy się usunąć z tego forum.:))). Nawet nie wiesz jaki mielismy "spat" na początku ze sobą.:)))
Relax and join the gang :)))
> don't get your shorts in a knot

What does it mean? I can't find a explanation on the Net... Could you explain this?
Take it away Savvy...
For those just getting to know Savvy, this is his area of expertise.

>What does it mean? I can't find a explanation on the Net... Could you
>explain this?

"nie spinaj się" would be a good contemporary equivalent I guess.
>"nie spinaj się" would be a good contemporary equivalent I guess.

Podoba mi się to "nie spinaj się" tutaj,dobrze trafione.
>>>don't get your shorts in a knot
generalnie mowimy' don't get your knickers in a twist' ale wiem, ze malo mezczyzn nosi 'knickers' (no, no...moze sie myle?)
generalnie mowimy' don't get your knickers in a twist'

Not on this side of the pond, we don't. :)
Siuniab-< Not on this side of the pond>- do you mean in Britain or USA?
jestem z kanady.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 31
poprzednia |


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie