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Cześć, wszystkim,
Proszę o sprawdzenie pod wzgledem gramatycznym i leksykalnym. Jest to list nieformalny do przyjaciela z USA z pytaniami dotyczącymi pobytu w USA.

Hi ....,

Thanks for your fast reply. I’m glad too that we’ll be able to meet in Orlando. I’ve decided to go to America. Florida seems to be a little exotic for me. Before I go I have to be prepared well so I have some questions for you. .

Firstly, I’m planning to find appropriate accommodation in any youth hostel or dormitory in a campus. I suppose that it can take some time. I’m wondering if you have enough room in your apartment to put me up a couple of weeks.

Secondly, I’m afraid about the cost of living in Orlando. Could tell me the example price of accommodation and food? I would like to travel a bit and visit other states. I know that gas is quite cheap in comparison with the European petrol price but I realize that I won’t be able to afford to buy a car in America quickly so I’d be grateful whether you write me about the cost of traveling by train, plane and subway. What about a car rental?

As you know I’m an outgoing and sociable nature, aren’t I? I am wandering if there is any place to entertain. I like night lives so cafe’, theme parks, discos, gambling are the place for me. Are there any of them?
I hope that the visit will be also a fantastic chance to go sightseeing and get to know about a landscape, nature and the American heritage. Are there any interesting tourist attractions worth seeing?

Finally, what’s the weather like in Florida? I’ve heard that there is extremely hot and that a level of humidity is very high. Is it true?

Well, that’s all for now. Thanks in advance for you reply.

I’m looking forward to seeing you.

Take care,
Firstly, I'm planning to find appropriate accommodation in any youth
hostel or dormitory 'in' ON 'a' THE campus.

Secondly, I'm 'afraid' (nie za bardzo to slowo, lepiej WORRIED about the cost of living in Orlando. Could YOU tell me FOR 'the' (niepotr) example THE price of accommodation and food?
...America quickly so I'd be grateful 'whether' IF YOU COULD 'you' (niepotr) 'write' TELL me about the cost of traveling by train, plane and
As you know I'm an outgoing and sociable nature, 'aren't I' (co to dziwactwo tutaj robi, czy to ma byc pytanie czy zdanie twierdzace, prosze nie uzywac tego dziwactwa)? I am 'wandering' (zle slowo-popraw) if there is any place to entertain (ale kogo? bo nie piszesz?). I like THE night 'lives' LIFE so cafe', theme parks, discos, gambling are the 'place' (tutaj chyba l. mnoga by wymieniles wiecej jak jeden..) for me. Are there any of them (ale gdzie?)
I hope that the visit will 'be also' (zla kol slow- ALSO BE a fantastic chance to go sightseeing and get to know 'about a' THE landscape, nature and the
American heritage.
I've heard that there IT is extremely hot and that a level of humidity is very high.
Dziekuje za sprawdzenie

dziwadzctwo: "aren't I" to moim zdaniem jest question tag

Czy cos pomyliłem?
Nie jestem niegrzeczna, i to dobrze, bo bym pomyslala, ze jestes 'cheeky'. Pisze sie AM I NOT?
I hope I'm not cheeky:-) but according to English textbooks (for example: English Grammar in use-E. Murphy, Grammar way-V.Evans or http://www.e-angielski.com/gramatyka/question-tags) 'aren't I' is appropriate form.

Am I right?
a dlaczego nie napisales 'I'm right, aren't I?'
wg mnie 'aren't I' to wyjatek stosowany w question tag

czy zerknęłaś na stronę którą Ci wysłałem? Tam jest przykład
Proszę wytłumaczyć co jest nie tak z powszechnie używanym "aren't I".
No własnie, Terri - tak bardzo Cię to razi w liście nieformalnym?
Razi mnie to, ze to moze byc zapamietane przez studentow jako ok, i wtedy pisane na listach bardziej formalnych albo i na egzaminach.
Zaraz ktos mi powie ze " I were and we was"...tez jest ok, no be przeciez mnostwo ludzi tak mowi i nikt nie zwraca im uwagi.
a to od David Crystal:
he's not very critical, innit?
>he's not very critical, innit?
...not very critical inneee?
..that's because he's a very nice man (unlike me)
“Nature provides exceptions to every rule.”, unquote.
(That "frigging evolutionary nature” always plays tricks on a language). I mean when you would think it’s logical to tag your “I’m a hunk” with amn’t I or "am I not" , you find out that it’s ok to go “aren’t I “too. As a non-native speaker I don’t personally like it but we can do but nothing about it I guess.
At least we luck out to have rather rare occasions to ask a question in the first person. Unless we only talk to ourselves. :)
I'm ALSO glad that ...
... I'm outgoing and sociable , ...lub
... I'm outgoing and sociable IN nature ...
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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