
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
My ideal boyfriend must be sincere and tolerant. He has to help people, who this help need. He should be intelligent and clever so he should understand difficult subject quickly and easily. He must be responsible for his behaviour. He should be optimistic and always smiles. His eyes must emanate warmth and love.

4. They aren't bad only sad, that they don't speak to each other . Both are thoughtful. They wonder how to solve this problem surely. I'm reading this of their face. Beyond this I think, that nobody with us dislikes quarreling and they with certainty also.
5. They had quarreled with certainty. About what? I don't know. Maybe they quarreled about difference in opinions or about money. I think, that this was some banal matter.
He has to help
>people, who this help need.
He has to help people who need this help. (podmiot najpierw -who, potem orzeczenie - need, na końcu dopełnienie)

He should be intelligent and clever so he
>should understand difficult subject quickly and easily.
can zamiast should

He should be optimistic and always
and smile always (jak już masz should, to nie musisz dodawać -s do czasownika)
4. They aren't bad only sad, that they don't speak to each other .

tu zamiast bad to chyba angry chciałaś

...angry because they don't...

>They wonder how to solve this problem surely.
bez surely.

>reading this of their face.
from their faces.

Beyond this I think, that nobody with us
>dislikes quarreling and they with certainty also.
Besides, I think that nobody likes to quarrel and they don't like it either.

>5. They had quarreled with certainty.
They had surely quarreled.

About what? I don't know. Maybe
>they quarreled about difference in opinions or about money.
...about their differences in....

Nie stawiaj przecinków przed "that"!
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