Speech - sprawdzenie Pilnie

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I live in XXI century and dance play important role in my life. First of all, dancing encourages socialising. Dancing is a way to start knowing someone. I can interakt with people at a club by dancing together and having fun on the dance floor. It also help me to relieve stress. When I was dencing I forgot about all my problems. Dancing is also form of exercise to keep the body healthy and fit and in my opinion it is better option to lose weight than working out on the gym or jogging. But often people make special dance group. They compose choreography and dancing together. Maybe is that becouse dance is a beautiful show, full of emotions and energy and it seems to me that is the main point why dance is often a performance. Martha Graham said that dance was the hidden language of the soul, and I'm absolutly agree with that. Dance often express our feelings. When I was angry, I show it through dynamic moves. When I was in love, I would express it in slow, soft and relaxing moves. Nowaday, dance not play impotrant role in culture of Poland. Of course, every subculture have they own way of dancing, characteristic to specific group, but in my country we don't have one national dance like f.e. Ireland. But in history of Poland, I can find some dance which was characteristic to my country some centuries (wieków??) ago, as Mazurek, Krakowiak or Polonez. So what it comes down to is dance is one of the best way to express our feelings without words. Dance is the language of our souls, the same in evry part of the world.
I live in (przedimek) XXI century and dance playS (przedimek) important role in my life. First of all, dancing encourages socialising. Dancing is a way to start knowing someone (lepiej: get to know someone). I can interakt (orto) with people at a club by dancing together and having fun on the dance floor. It also helpS me to relieve stress. When I (was dencing..zly czas) I forgot (zly czas) about all my problems. Dancing is also form of exercise to keep the body healthy and fit and in my opinion it is (przedimek) better option to lose weight than BY working out on the gym or jogging. [But often people make special dance group They compose choreography and dancing together.(po pracuj dalej)]. Maybe becouse (orto) dance is a beautiful show (nie zaczynaj zdanie z "Maybe because...kalka z pol....przerob zdanie), full of emotions and energy and it seems to me that is the main point why dance is often a performance. Martha Graham said that dance was the hidden language of the soul, and I