Proszę o sprawdzenie tekstu :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Yesterday morning John Smith in Court accused of robbery and murder. The judge sentenced him to life imprisonment. Smith was aressted last week as he was rob jewellery shop. He killed young woman who sold this jewellery. Smith stole very precious neckles and gold earrings. The witness of a crime called the police. The police arrived after 20 minutes and took him to the police office.

Jeśli ktoś zna znaczenie tych słów proszę o napisanie:
noise nuisance
dropping litter
racial abuse
swearing in public
electronic tagging
a rehabilitation programme
Yesterday morning John Smith (tu brakuje czasownika) in Court accused of robbery and murder.
Smith was 'aressted' (ortog) last week as he was 'rob' ROBBING A jewellery shop. He killed A young woman 'who sold this jewellery' (a dlaczego nie jewellery seller?). Smith stole very precious 'neckles' (ortog) and gold earrings. 'The' A witness 'of' TO 'a' THE crime called the police. The police arrived after 20 minutes and took him to the police 'office' STATION.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie