nie pisz tego samego w 2ch watkach, bo NIKT ci nie pomoze.
I was sorry to hear from your letter 'of you're worried' (nie, nie tak...THAT you are worried) because you DO NOT have 'not' (niepotr) friends in your new neighbourhood.
Why don't you go to 'the' A disco.
The best thing to do 'is can give' (co tu nie tak- popraw) a party in your house and invite your neighbour.
'You bet' (zmien to) that among all these people you'll find the ones that suit you.
I know it's hard to do at first, but 'belive' (ortog) me it will work!
Please write and give 'us' (ale ten list to tylko od ciebie, nie od 'nas') all the news.
'YourS sincerely' 9to troche za formalnie jak do kolegi) / Take care