bardzo proszÄ™ o sprawdzenie opinion essey

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byłąbym wdzięczna za sprawdzenie opinion essey. Bardzo proszę również o wskazówki i wyjaśnienie ewentualnych błędów. Z góry bardzo dziękuję

Will we have less or more time for entertainment in the future? Nowadays this question appears quite often in people’ mind and what is more they agree that because of technology or long working hours we’ll stop going out. In my opinion this is true. In addition to this people don’t know what exactly leisure means and possibly that is the main reason of thinking that there is no free time.
First of all , it happens very often that there is only one bread winner at home so families can’t afford for going out. If there are some saved money they are usually spend on bills , food or another similar and necessary things.
Another aspect of no time for leisure is indolence. We’ve got money but we are too lazy to move ourselves from home or we don’t have something nice to wear . This commonly known behavior is being seen quite regularly especially, with the elderly-so there is a little gleam of hope that the new generation won’t copy it from us.
Last thing worth mentioning is the time consuming internet. We spend too many hours on the computer thinking we do something valuable . It starts quite innocently. At first you start looking for information you really need but soon or later you are getting hooked in it and after few hours you are finding yourself reading silly and unimportant things!
As opposed to the above ideas there are obviously people who are capable of having much time of leisure. What is more they are frugal and clever because they know that life should be used as much as possible. Moreover, there are many persons who get a lot of enjoyment of work so surely it's a leisure for them . But is it really true? Maybe this veneer of being content is a first sign of work addiction or as I written before they simple don’t know what the leisure exactly is.
Taking everything into account I think people will have less time for entertainment because they don’t value the importance of time given. If we got a job we stay longer because we always need money or if we got a free time we are too lazy for leisure . Isn’t it strange?
rozumiem,że brak postów oznacza że wszystko jest ok ;)
rozumiem,że brak postów oznacza że wszystko jest ok ;)
jestes optymistka...
Sprawdze Ci pozni
nie noooo...ja tam nie widzę żadnych błędów ;P
Will we have less or more time for [entertainment...lepiej leisure albo leisure activites] in the future? Nowadays, this question appears quite often in people'S mindS and what is more, they agree that because of technology or long working hours we'll stop going out. In my opinion this is true. In addition to this, people don't know what exactly leisure means and possibly that is the main reason FOR thinking that there is no (o golnie tu piszesz? mozna tez napisac THEY HAVE NO) free time.
First of all , it IS FREQUENTLY THE CASE that there is only one bread winner at home so families can't afford TO go out. If there some [saved money...kol slow] usually spenT on bills , food or other NECESSITIES. .
Another aspect of (brakuje czasownik)no time for leisure is indolence. We've got money but we are too lazy to move ourselves from home or we don't have something nice to wear . This behavior is commonly seen quite regularly IN the elderly-so there is a little gleam of hope that the new generation won't copy it from THEM .
THE last thing worth mentioning is the time consuming internet. We spend too many hours on the computer thinking we ARE doING something valuable . It starts quite innocently. At first you start looking for information you really need but soon or later you hooked On it and after A few hours you yourself reading silly and unimportant things!
[As opposed to the above ideas...nie zgrabne, po pracuj dale] there are obviously people who are capable of having much time FOR leisure. What is more, they are frugal and clever because they know that life should be as much as possible. Moreover, there are many peOPLE who get a lot of enjoyment OUT of work so surely it's a (leisure...lepiej pleasure) for them . But is it really true? Maybe this veneer of being content is a first sign of work addiction or as I written (zly czas)
ABOVE, they simple don't know what leisure [exactly is...kol slow].
Taking everything into account, I think people will have less time for entertainment because they don't value the importance of [time given...po pracuj dalej]. If we
siuniab 11 Lis 2009, 15:46 odpowiedz Zgłoś wpis do usunięcia
Will we have less or more time for [entertainment...lepiej leisure albo leisure activites] in the future? Nowadays, this question appears quite often in people'S mindS and what is more, they agree that because of technology or long working hours we'll stop going out. In my opinion this is true. In addition to this, people don't know what exactly leisure means and possibly that is the main reason FOR thinking that there is no (o golnie tu piszesz? mozna tez napisac THEY HAVE NO) free time.
First of all , it IS FREQUENTLY THE CASE that there is only one bread winner at home so families can't afford TO go out. If there some [saved money...kol slow] usually spenT on bills , food or other NECESSITIES. .
Another aspect of (brakuje czasownik)no time for leisure is indolence. We've got money but we are too lazy to move ourselves from home or we don't have something nice to wear . This behavior is commonly seen quite regularly IN the elderly-so there is a little gleam of hope that the new generation won't copy it from THEM .
THE last thing worth mentioning is the time consuming internet. We spend too many hours on the computer thinking we ARE doING something valuable . It starts quite innocently. At first you start looking for information you really need but soon or later you hooked On it and after A few hours you yourself reading silly and unimportant things!
[As opposed to the above ideas...nie zgrabne, po pracuj dale] there are obviously people who are capable of having much time FOR leisure. What is more, they are frugal and clever because they know that life should be as much as possible. Moreover, there are many peOPLE who get a lot of enjoyment OUT of work so surely it's a (leisure...lepiej pleasure) for them . But is it really true? Maybe this veneer of being content is a first sign of work addiction or as I written (zly czas)
ABOVE, they simple don't know what leisure [exactly is...kol slow].
Taking everything into account, I think people will have less time for entertainment because they don't value the importance of [time given...po pracuj dalej]. If we
there ? some [saved money...kol slow] ?usually spenT on bills , food or other NECESSITIES (?). powinno być there IS some money?? ...hmm

slowo "money" jest l.poj
"If there is some money saved, it is usually...

IN the elderly---? with czy in?

oznacza blad i trzeba usunac; IN

there are many peOPLE who get a lot of enjoyment OUT of work so surely it's a (leisure...lepiej pleasure) for them --tu chodziło mi ,że przyjemność to dla nich praca , a więc będzie chyba IN napisz "in" i czekaj na ocene ;)

sprawdz sobie forme "get enjoyment" out of/from

leisure [exactly is...kol slow].??

they simple don't know what leisure is exactly. (dla mnie ta kolejnosc lepiej brzmi...od Ciebie zalezy) napisz "in" i czekaj na ocene ;)" ...;D
Dobra, popoprawiam wszystko ;) Jeszcze raz dziękuję ;)...a tak na marginesie to co byś mi postawił za taką pracę? ;/ kwalifikuje się to pod oppinion essey? Jakieś ewentualne rady na przyszłość ?;p
"oppinion essey"

(2) z orto....AAric Ci przeciez poprawil a ty nic. ;)

ogolnie nie bylo tak zle
to nie jest tak zle ;/ ;P
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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