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It is widely believed, that education is the best solution to every problem. It opens up a new horizon into the mind. But is this statement true in case of the sex education? Is it possible to curb problems such as teenage pregnancy by teaching youths how to protect themselves?
One major advantage of increasing sex education in schools, is the fact that it will hand teenagers down the indispensable knowledge, what parents more and more rarely do. Pepper Schwartz in his book “ Ten talks parents must have with their children” wrote that “Parents are not sex education experts, just because they are parents”, what in my opinion aptly describes parent’s disability when it comes to talking with their children about awkward problems. They are simply ashamed and because of that do not take up the topic of sex, but definitely someone has to, so why not a teacher?
What is more, during sex education classes the youths will receive a proper information about how to protect themselves and they will be also made realize that sex may be dangerous. Teenagers must get to know more about the so called STD- sexually transmitted diseases and school is a good, maybe even the best place to make them aware of that.
Another positive aspect of increasing sex education in schools is the fact that the more teenagers learn about sexuality from talking with their teachers, the less curious they are. If students are given all necessary information about sex with it’s pros and cons, they will be less likely to try it too soon.
On the other hand, some people support the view, that sex education at school will do more harm than good. Teaching this subject by inappropriate person is an extremely common case. Priests, catechists, biology teachers… Teaching about sex is often beyond their scope and even more often they are given a job as a teacher of such subject. If someone blushes anytime he says “vagina” how is he supposed to get at teenagers?
Another drawback of sex education is the fact that it is often a part of curriculum in primary schools, which is definitely too soon. If 7 year olds are taught about sex, they start to think about it too early. Supporters of this view claim that the childhood is taken away from such kids and I think it is true. Primary school students are too young to understand certain issues and sex with all it’s dangers is one of them.
Finally, a great number of people claim that it is not a good idea to teach about sex at school, because teenagers, especially boys will make fun of it. In high schools sex education classes are the easiest ones- nothing is obligatory, students have no homework to do and teachers are not talking about really important things, like how life threatening sex can be Unless it changes, no satisfying results will be achieved.
To sum up, it can not be firmly said if sex education will reduce or end AIDS, adolescent pregnancy or prostitution, but silence on sexual matters will definitely not do any good. Teens must be taught that experimenting with sex is like playing with fire- someone may get hurt. Bill Cosby said: “ sex education may be a good idea in the schools, but I don’t think kids should be given homework.” And I think that this sentence is an accurate summary to the topic of sex education.
But is this statement true in THE case of 'the' (niepotr) sex education? Is it possible to curb problems such as teenage 'pregnancy' (tutaj l. mnoga) by teaching 'youths' (nie uzywaj tego slowa tak, 'youths' generalnie odnosi sie do mlodych mezczyzn, a sex education powinna tez byc dla kobiet- uzyj slowo' teenagers' how to protect themselves?
One major advantage of increasing sex education in schools, is the fact that it will hand teenagers down 'the' (niepotr) indispensable knowledge, 'what' (kalkz z polskiego ;'co' ale tutaj WHICH) parents more and more rarely do. Pepper Schwartz in his book “ Ten talks parents must have with their children" 'wrote' WRITES that “Parents are not sex education experts, just because they are
parents", 'what' (znowu ta kalka, oducz sie tego, bo to razi, tutaj WHICH) in my opinion aptly describes parent's disability when it comes to talking with their children about awkward problems. They are simply ashamed (ale czego, czy tego ze sami uprawiaja sex, ale boja sie to powiedziec dzieciom?) and because of that THEY do not take up the topic of sex. (tu jest nowa mysl, to nowe zdanie) But definitely someone has to, so why not a teacher?
What is more, during sex education classes the 'youths' (mozna 'youngsters') will receive 'a' (niepotr) proper information about how to protect themselves and they will 'be also' (zla kol slow- also be) made TO realize that sex may be dangerous. (ale w jaki sposob? musisz wytlumaczyc).
If students are given all THE necessary information about sex with 'it's' (zle, to co napisalas to 'it is' tutaj 'its') pros and cons, they will be
less likely to try it too soon. (a kiedy jest too soon?, musisz wytlumaczyc)
Teaching this subject by AN inappropriate person is an extremely common case. Priests, catechists, biology teachers... Teaching about sex is often beyond their scope and even more often THAN NOT they are given 'a' THE job as a teacher of such subject. If someone blushes anytime he says “vagina" (mozesz dodac 'or penis') how is he supposed to get 'at' TO teenagers?
Primary school students are too young to understand certain issues and sex with all 'it's' (znowu to 'it is' - tutaj 'its-jego') dangers is one of them.
To sum up, it can not be firmly said if sex education will reduce or
end 'AIDS' (ale o tym nigdzie wczesniej nie pisalas-), adolescent 'pregnancy' PREGNANCIES or prostitution, but silence on sexual matters will definitely not do any good.
Bill Cosby (a kto to jest, jakis renomowany naukowca spoleczny?) said: “ sex education may be a good idea in the schools, but I don't think kids should be given homework." And I think that this sentence is an accurate summary 'to' OF the topic of sex education.
postaram sie oduczyc, na poczatku mialam which, ale potem zmienilam nie wiem czemu.
Bill Cosby to moze nie jakis znawca po prostu spodobal mi sie cytat


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