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My best friend name is xxxx. She is 25 years old.xxxx lives in xxx in Wales, just like me.She is from Poland.xxxx is married.xxxx is an attractive girl.She is slim and very tall.She has red, long hair and green eyes.Her favorite clothes are is very friendly, she has a good heart. She is very good swimmer,her hobby is reading books and sleeping.She smokes cigarettes and she drinks a lot coffee every goes shopping on Mondays and goes swimming on Saturdays. I very like xxx.
My best (friend...tu brakuje jakis znak/literke) name is xxxx. She is 25 years old.xxxx lives in xxx in Wales, just like me.She is from Poland.xxxx is married.xxxx is an attractive girl.She is slim and very tall.She has (red, long...kol slow) hair and green eyes.Her favorite clothes are is very friendly AND she has a good heart. She is A very good swimmer. Her hobbIES INCLUD reading books and sleeping.She smokes cigarettes and she drinks a lot coffee every goes shopping on Mondays and goes swimming on Saturdays. I very like xxx.
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