List. Dobrze/Źle. ?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dear Sir or Madame
I am writing to complain about a shoes that bought in your shop last Sunday. A week after placing the order delivered to my load in very bad condition . The box was crushed and the foil, which was wrapped in a destroyed. The boots were not that color at the attached pictures for offer purchases. Were blue and the size of the 2 numbers were too small, you could see traces of the earlier use of this pair - and the sole was worn and dirty laces damaged. I applied for a postal point with hope to the disastrous state of response packages, replied to me that the shipment was already in this state when sending. I would like to return to the country of these shoes in the hope that they will be listed and sent as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully

Bardzo bym prosił o pomoć i skorygowanie błędów.
Dear Sir or Madame,

I am writing to complain about a pair of shoes that I bought in your shop last Sunday. A week after placing the order they were delivered in a very bad condition. The box was crushed and the foil, which the box was wrapped in was torn. The boots were not the same colour as the attached pictures of the offer. Instead they were blue and the size was too small. Moreover, you could see traces of the earlier use of this pair - that is the sole was worn and dirty and the laces were damaged. Nie za bardzo rozumiem co chcesz tu napisac:(I applied for a postal point with hope to the disastrous state of response packages, replied to me that the shipment was already in this state when sending). I would like to return the shoes to the country of origin in the hope that they will be replaced as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,


Musisz sobie akapity dodać do każdego wątku.
Dear Sir or 'Madame' Piszemy MADAM, a nie *Madame),
A week after placing the order they were delivered in a very bad 'condition' (lepiej 'state').
Nie za bardzo rozumiem co chcesz tu napisac:(I applied for a postal point with hope to the disastrous state of response packages, replied to me that the shipment was already in this state when sending).
...tego tez nie rozumiem
(I applied for a postal point with hope to the disastrous state of response packages, replied to me that the shipment was already in this state when sending

To miało być. Że zgłosiłem się do punktu pocztowego z nadzieją , że uzyskam informację na temat złego stanu paczki,odpowiedziano mi , że paczka była w takim stanie przy nadawaniu.
To miało być.---mialo ale nie jest
...I applied 'for' TO 'a postal point' (dlaczego wymyslasz cos takiego, jak mozna napisac POST OFFICE, akbo x office) with THE hope THAT....(i tutaj cos brakuje) the disastrous state of 'response' (po co to jest?) 'packages' (ale przeciez to ma byc l. poj), (kto? Co?) replied 'to me' (niepotr) that the shipment was already in this state when 'sending' IT WAS SENT.
...Napisz to jeszcze raz, to zobaczymy czy to ma rece i nogi.
I am writing to complain about a pair of shoes that I bought in your shop last Sunday. A week after placing the order they were delivered in a very bad condition. The box was crushed and the foil, which the box was wrapped in was torn. The boots were not the same colour as the attached pictures of the offer. Instead they were blue and the size was too small. Moreover, you could see traces of the earlier use of this pair - that is the sole was worn and dirty and the laces were damaged.I applied to a post office with the hope that to the disastrous state of response pack, replied that the shipment was already in this state , it was sent.. I would like to return the shoes to the country of origin in the hope that they will be replaced as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,

The 'boots' (wczesniej napisales 'shoes') were not the same colour as the
attached pictures of the offer.
Tutaj widze, ze nie rozumiesz co masz napisac....I applied to 'a' THE post office with the hope that THEY COULD OFFER SOME EXPLANATION, as to the disastrous state of the package, HOWEVER THEY responDED that the shipment was
already in this state WHEN it was sent..
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.