wypracowanie od sprawdzenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Napisałam wypracowanie i pewnie jest w nim pełno błędów.

A better world for us.
I believe there are many things that we can do to make life in our world a lot better for people.

First of all, I think that our world need more container. A lot of people drop litter in lawn, but it's very dangerous for environment.

Also, I believe that our world needs more cycle lanes. A lot of people ride a car because is few cycle lans.People aren't cycle everwhere, but is's very dangerous.If there more cycle lanes in future it will be much safer for atmosphere and for us.

In addition, people smoker sigarette. They are stop smoker on street and restaurant. If there stop smoker it will much safer for u.

Finally, I'm sure on world will be much better for everyone in future, if we all do something to help now.
Proszę o sprawdzenie i pomoc w poprawieniu ; )


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


CAE - sesja zima 2009