Proszę o sprawdzenie opisu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Miałem napisać opis święta, a więc zrobiłem. Proszę serdecznie o sprawdzenie, bo mój poziom angielskiego nie jest za wysoki.
Independence Day is celebrated every yeaer on 11 November since 1918. On that day, everyone are free from work. Every Pole that day is particulary proud of his country.In the morning we go to church at Holy Mass and then in the afternoon we play at various festivals.
Many Poles shows the national flag outside the window. The government organizing festivals and parades. In polish capital (Warsaw) , Army organizes a great show with tanks and solidiers with rifles. Citizens wear formal clothes and meet up with friends. In whole country the event is similar( without huge parade in Warsaw). The television show a statement of the President. Polish womans prepare exquisite dinner.
I like so much The Independence Day, because it reminds me of Polish history and by the way I have some free time. All inhabitans of Poland are happy for the simple reason that they don't have to go to work or school

Moim głównym problemem są błędy składniowe i zastosowanie nie właściwego czasu.:\. Ale opis w miarę fajny ? bo błędów jest na pewno mnóstwo ;/
Independence Day 'is' (dlatego ze dales 'since' tutaj musi byc HAS BEEN celebrated every 'yeaer' (ortog) on THE 11TH OF November since 1918. On that day, everyone 'are' OIS (everyone to tutaj l. poj) free from work.
In the morning we go to church 'at' FOR Holy Mass and then in the afternoon we play (ale co? jakas muzyka, instrymenty?) at various festivals.
Many Poles 'shows' (Poles tutaj jest l. mnoga, a 'shows' tylko odnosi sie do 3os.l.poj, tutaj SHOW) the national flag outside the window. The government 'organizing' ORGANIZES (Government-it-3os.l.poj- organizes) festivals and parades. In THE Polish capital (Warsaw), THE Army organizes a great show with tanks and 'solidiers' (ortog) with rifles. THE 'citizens' (oj, to mi przypomina the French Revolution, tutaj wystarczy PEOPLE) wear formal clothes and meet up with friends. In THE whole country the eventS 'is' ARE similar (without A huge parade AS THERE IS in Warsaw).
The television showS (TV- tutaj 3os.l.poj - showS) a statement of the President. Polish 'womans' (ttuaj potrzebujesz l. mn- WOMEN prepare exquisite dinnerS.
I like 'so much' (nie w tym miejscu) The Independence Day,VERY MUCH because it reminds me of Polish history and JUST by the way I have some free time. All 'inhabitans' THE PEOPLE of Poland are happy for the simple reason that they don't have to go to work or school.
Dzięki za pomoc! Postanowiłem troszkę upiększyć mój opis ;p . Jak macie chwilkę to rzućcie okiem czy dobrze :)

The Independence Day has been celebrated every year on the 11th of November sine 1918. The independence was recovered by Poland afer 123 years. On that everyone is free from work. In the morning we go to church for Holy Mass and then in the afternoon we participate at various festivals.
Many Poles show the national flag outside the window. Festivals and parades are organized by government. Kids sing a national anthemem in schools. In the polish capital (Warsaw) ,the army organizes a great show with tanks and solidiers with rifles. I going to see it next year. The people wear formal clothes and meet up with friends. In the whole country the events are similar ( without a huge parade as there is in Warsaw). The television shows a statement of the President. I wish speech would be shorter.For addition to this, a telecast is fill with historical films, but most of them are not interesitng. Exquisite dinners are prepared and eaten by all family members. In shops, you can buy national souvenirs like flags or items decorated with polish symbols for example eagle.
The Independence Day, very much because it reminds me of polish history and just by the way I have some free time. The people of Poland are happy for the simple reason that they do not have to go to work or school. I sure The Independence Day will celebrate forever.

Według mnie teraz to wygląda dużo lepiej. Dodałem konstrukcję z wish, stronę bierną :)
November 'sine' SINCE 1918. The Independence was recovered by Poland 'afer' AFTER 123 years. On that DAY everyone is free from work. In the morning we go to
church for Holy Mass and then in the afternoon we participate 'at' IN various festivals.
Many Poles show the national flag outside theIR window. Festivals and parades are organized by THE Government. Kids sing 'a' THE National 'anthemem' ANTHEM
in schools. In the Polish capital (Warsaw) ,the army organizes a great
show with tanks and 'solidiers' SOLDIERS with rifles. I AM going to see it next
In the whole country the events are similar ( without a huge parade as there
is in Warsaw). The television CHANNEL shows a statement of the President. I
wish HIS speech would be shorter. 'For' IN addition to this, a telecast is fillED with historical films, but most of them are not 'interesitng' INTERESTING.
In THE shops, you can buy national souvenirs like flags or items decorated
with Polish symbols for example THE eagle.
I LIKE THE Independence Day, very much because it reminds me of Polish history and just by the way I have some free time.
I AM sure the Independence Day will BE celebrateD forever.
dzięki :D


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