Opis miasta

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Napisałem taki oto krótki tekst i zastanawiam się nad jego poprawnością. Prosiłbym chętną osobę o jego sprawdzenie i w razie błędów wytłumaczenie. Z góry wielkie dzięki.

Polish City is the largest city of Polish diaspora in the world. There are a lot of Polish (about 1,5 million). Everybody continue Polish traditions. The official language of Polish City is a Polish language. The currency of Polish City is a złoty. A country code top-level domain of this city is a .pl. Many Polish teach American men or women your language there.
There are many wide roads, buildings, shops and office blocks. There is one river – River Wisla, one park – River Park and one taxi stand. There is a largest cinema in the United States of America - Polish Cinema and large City Museum, Theatre “Small”, cathedral. There is much traffic in Polish City because there is a Kosciuszko's trunk road. A lot of people ride a fiat 126p but also many luxurious Ferrari or Audi.
More than welcome!
Przepraszam za double posta, lecz prosiłbym o odpowiedź, nawet jeśli tekst jest w całości poprawny.
Jeszcze raz bardzo proszę o poświęcenie dosłownie dwóch minut i sprawdzenie zwykłego tekstu, który z dnia na dzień jest zakopywany coraz niżej. Potrzebuję jej jak najszybciej i nie chciałbym, aby były w niej błędy.
There are a lot of Polish (ale co? csego? cats? dogs? pets - mam zgadywac?) (about 1,5 million). Everybody 'continue' (everybody tutaj jako l. poj - )
Polish traditions. The official language of Polish City is 'a' (po co to 'a' tutaj? dla ozdoby?) Polish language. The currency of Polish City is 'a' THE złoty. A country code top-level domain of this city is 'a' (chyba zakochales siw w uzyciu tego 'a' tutaj niepotr) .pl.
Many Polish (ale nie napisales co? men? women?) teach American men or women 'your' (twoj language - to niby jaki?) language there.
There is much traffic in THE Polish City because there is a Kosciuszko's trunk
road THERE (no i co z tego? jest duzo miast z trunk roads, ale to nie znaczy ze jest 'much traffic'). A lot of people 'ride' (nie o samochododach nie mowimy 'ride' a DRIVE) a Fiat 126p but also many luxurious FerrariS
or AudiS.
Oto poprawiona wersja z jednym tylko błędem, którego nie pojąłem.

Polish City is the largest city of Polish diaspora in the world. There are a lot of Polish people (about 1,5 million). Everybody continue Polish traditions. (NIE ZROZUMIAŁEM BŁĘDU, PROSZĘ O POWTÓRNE WYTŁUMACZENIE).The official language of Polish City is Polish language. The currency of Polish City is the złoty. A country code top-level domain of this city is .pl. Many Polish people teach American men or women Polish language there.
There are many wide roads, buildings, shops and office blocks. There are Kosciuszko's rd, Kopernik's rd, Milosz's street, Mickiewicz's street. There is one river – River Wisla, one park – River Park and one taxi stand. There is a largest cinema in the United States of America - Polish Cinema and large City Museum, Theatre “Small”, cathedral. There is much traffic in the Polish City. A lot of people drive a fiat 126p but also many luxurious Ferraris or Audis.
More than welcome!
everyone/everybody to polsku 'kazdy' i tak samo przyjmuje liczbe pojedyncza (3 osoba).
River Wisla - > the Wisla River albo the Vistula
Przed nazwami rzek używamy 'the'!
a largest cinema - > THE largest cinema
Theatre “Small" - > Small Theatre
Swoją droga... “ "
Na chwilę obecną tekst wygląda tak i mam co do niego pytanie. Skoro "the" stawia się przed nazwą rzeki i "largest cinema...", to czemu się nie stawia np. przed "Theatre Small", "large City Museum", "Polish Cinema"?

Polish City is the largest city of Polish diaspora in the world. There are a lot of Polish people (about 1,5 million). Everyone continue Polish traditions. The official language of Polish City is Polish language. The currency of Polish City is the złoty. A country code top-level domain of this city is .pl. Many Polish people teach American men or women Polish language there.
There are many wide roads, buildings, shops and office blocks. There are Kosciuszko's rd, Kopernik's rd, Milosz's street, Mickiewicz's street. There is one river – the Wisla River, one park – River Park and one taxi stand. There is the largest cinema in the United States of America - Polish Cinema and large City Museum, Theatre “Small”(TU CHODZIŁO O NAZWĘ TEATRU, CZYLI TEATR O NAZWIE “MAŁY”, A NIE MAŁY TEATR), cathedral. There is much traffic in the Polish City. A lot of people drive a fiat 126p but also many luxurious Ferraris or Audis.
More than welcome!
kochanie, poprawie to i wtedy bedzie dobrze.

There are a lot of Polish people THERE (about 1,5 million).
Everyone continueS THE Polish traditions. The official language of Polish City is Polish. 'language' (niepotr).
Many Polish people teach American men or women THE Polish language there.
There are (jabym to troche inaczej...there are many roads and streets named after famous Polish people such as:) Kosciuszko's Rd (jak skracamy 'road' na 'Rd', to 'R' zawsze duza litera, tak sama na 'street' - 'St'), Kopernik's Rd, Milosz's Street, Mickiewicz's Street.
'There is the largest cinema in the United States of America' (to zdanie mozna inaczej...The largest cinema in the USA is located there, as well as) - THE Polish Cinema and large City Museum, THE Theatre 'Small' AND A cathedral.
A lot of people drive a Fiat (Fiat - zaczynamy duza litera, bo to nazwa) 126p but also many luxurious Ferraris or Audis. YOU ARE ALWAYS More than welcome TO VISIT!
Tekst poprawiony w całości, bardzo dziękuję za pomoc i byłbym wdzięczny, gdyby mogła pani spojrzeć jeszcze raz na całość:

Polish City is the largest city of Polish diaspora in the world. There are a lot of Polish people there (about 1,5 million). Everyone continues the Polish traditions. The official language of Polish City is Polish. The currency of Polish City is the złoty. A country code top-level domain of this city is .pl. Many Polish people teach American men or women the Polish language there.
There are many wide roads, buildings, shops and office blocks. There are many roads and streets named after famous Polish people such as: Kosciuszko's Rd, Kopernik's Rd, Milosz's Street, Mickiewicz's Street. There is one river – the Wisla River, one park – River Park and one taxi stand. The largest cinema in the USA is located there, as well as - the Polish Cinema and large City Museum, the Theatre 'Small' and a cathedral. There is much traffic in the Polish City. A lot of people drive a Fiat 126p but also many luxurious Ferraris or Audis.
You are always more than welcome to visit!
a może by tak pomyśleć nad połączeniem zdań, tak, żeby uniknąć powtórzeń (Polish, Polish City, roads and streets)?
Hmm... mnie się wydaje, że to niepotrzebne i dzięki temu miałbym około 3-4 zdania. Poza tym 'road' i 'street' wchodzą w nazwy ulic i nie mógłbym ich wymienić bez tych słów.
chodziło mi np o coś takiego:

zamiast :

There are many wide roads, buildings, shops and office blocks. There are many roads and streets named after famous Polish people such as: Kosciuszko's Rd, Kopernik's Rd, Milosz's Street, Mickiewicz's Street.

There are many buildings, shops, office blocks as well as wide roads and streets, many of which are named after ...

jesli jesteś na poziomie podstawowym, czy pre-int, to ok. Ale jeśli bardziej zaawansowanym to miałabym zastrzeżenia do twojej pracy
Nie znam swojego poziomu, ale raczej waha się pomiędzy elementary a pre-int. Znam Present Simple, Continuous, trochę Perfect, Past Simple, trochę Past Continuous i konstrukcje zdań z will/won't i słownictwo z podstawówki. Nic więcej...
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia