" wady i zalety dorastania w wielkim mieście"
Nowadays a lot of especially young people prefer to live in huge towns rather than live in villages. They live there with their families, therefore many of children grow up there. However growing up in large cities has both advantages and disadvantages.
Living in a vast town is pleasant for many reasons. Firstly, thanks to that residence, one can strike up an acquaintance with different people, what can bring benefits in the future. Meeting people is very important, because it can help for example in receive a work or in arrange some business. Moreover, large cities offer more entertainment and bigger choice of schools and universities. In these towns there are a lot of clubs and cinemas where adolescents can find a lot of fun and where they can go with their friends.
On the other hand, it is known that growing up in huge towns can be very dangerous for young people. Everywhere one can find an alcohol, drugs and violence, but in a huge city there is an intensification of these phenomena. On every step, children must be very careful. In addition, because of crowded and bustling streets mothers must take care of their children. If mother don’t pay attention to her child, it can be knocked down by a car or it can get lost.
In my opinion, the positive points of growing up in huge towns outweigh the negative ones. However children must be careful and watch out in order that not to get into bad company.