Czy komputery mogą zastąpić nauczycieli? pilne

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Witam proszę o sprawdzenie to bardzo ważne..
Czy nauczycieli można zastąpić komputerami?

Nowadays it is very serious topic. Both of them have advantages and disadvantages.
A computer will only do what it's programmed to do. It could not be programmed to care for or nurture a child. There is no way a computer could show emotion, even if it was programmed to do that. It wouldn't be the same. Kids need some kind of interaction between teacher and student. A computer could answer many questions that the child may ask, but how could it answer a question about emotional feelings?
A thousand smiles or emoticons cannot replace the approving smile of a teacher. Teachers provide guidance on what is socially or morally right or wrong.
Computers in the classrooms are great tools, but they are just that, tools. Nothing more. Computers can teach math or reading, but it will never be able to inspire a student in areas such as science or history, you think history is a bunch of annoying facts and dates now, wait until a computer teaches it.
Even with how much I love computers I know that there will not be a day that a computer can fully replace a human. When I look today at the technology we have, long distance classes are good examples. We need that personal experience with a teacher who can shed light on subjects a lot easier then text on a computer can. Then looking into our future, even when computers may have certain AI they still can not have that personal experience you get from a teacher.
Maybe a computer can be used as a tool used to disseminate information. It can also be used as a storage device for soft copies of text books and other resource material. But a computer cannot command authority and accountability in a classroom. A computer cannot identify each student's innate abilities, and help/ coach the said student's development in this area, whether academically or in the sporting arena. A computer cannot identify the wide selection of disabilities that exist today in students, such as autism, down syndrome, near/far sightedness and dyslexia to name a few.
So teachers have so many advantages but computers have it also.
For example teacher you have to keep you knowledge base up and you can forget some facts. As a computer that teachers you never forget facts and you only have to have new info downloaded or uploaded in memory. If kids want to learn they will. Just like a regular human teacher you can not force a kid to learn. Computer nowadays will do just as well as a human teacher.
Computers are the perfect way to get rid of teachers because teachers can scream at you, computers don't. You can use any program that suite your level, but teachers do not pay attention to all the students in the class. If you had a bad teacher you can use the computer to understand what you want. Computers are available every where and are easy to use
The computer will give much more individualized education than a human teach ever could
I would hope that students always have human teachers to interact with, however I think that 30 years from now teachers will be largely replaced by computers. This will happen because computers will be much cheaper, and because the students who learn from computers will score better on standardized tests than students who learn from teachers.
Proszę niech ktoś sprawdzi moją prace :( to bardzo ważne
Prosze niech się ktoś zlituje :(
Widze,że panuje ogólna znieczulica :(

jesteś żałosna.